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新中小学生汉语考试 - 汉语水平考试网
yct(四级)样卷 注 意 一、yct(四级)分三部分: 1.听力(40 题,约30 分钟) 2.阅读(30 题,25 分钟) 3.书写(10 题,15 分钟) 二、答案先写在试卷上,最后10 分钟再写在答题卡上。 三、全部考试约85 分钟(含考生填写个人信息时间5 分钟)。
Yct 4 - 教学资源 - Wordwall
YCT 4 每……都 - YCT 1 Vocabulary - YCT 1 Lesson 2 - HSK 4 lesson 4 part 1 - HSK 4 lesson 9 - HSK 4 lesson 5 part 1/2/3/4/5 - HSK 4 lesson 10 parts 1/2/3/4/5
YCT 4 Vocabulary List (Download PDF) - DigMandarin
2022年5月20日 · Passing YCT 4 indicates that you can communicate in Chinese at a basic level in your daily, academic, and professional lives. When travelling in China, you can manage most forms of communication in Chinese. It requires the mastery of 600 Chinese words and phrases.
YCT 4 Practice Test | HSK Sample Test - MandarinMania.com
YCT 4 consists of 600 vocabulary words and is equivalent to the words contained in HSK 1, HSK 2, and HSK 3. The actual test is 85 minutes. A passing score is 180 out of 300.
YCT四级样卷下载PDF,听力音频,中小学生汉语考试 - CarOBook
YCT四级考试样卷无水印高清PDF文件,在线阅览及下载均无需解压和注册,让您随时轻松查找并按需下载打印使用,文件末尾附有本套题的标准答案。 真题下载网:免费下载历年考试真题! zhenti.carobook.com. 真题下载网 - 免费下载历年考试真题!
YCT 4 Sample Test Papers PDF - Listening Audio - Free Download
YCT (Level 4) sample real test papers: Free downloads of YCT (Youth Chinese Test) sample real test papers, and online playback and download of YCT 4 sample listening audio. YCT (Level …
YCT 4 Standard Course Textbook PDF and MP3 Audio
YCT 4 Standard Course Textbook provides free download of YCT (Level 4) learning materials PDF files, including answers and free online MP3 listening audio. www.otextbook.com.
YCT 4 - textbook and workbook
YCT Standard Сourse 4 – the next book in a wonderful series that allows you to prepare for the international exam in Chinese for children under 15 years old – YCT. Developed by Hanban …
YCT (Youth Chinese Test) - What You Need to Know - DigMandarin
The new YCT is an international standardized test of Chinese language proficiency. It assesses young foreign students’ abilities to use Chinese in their daily and academic lives. The new YCT consists of a writing test and a speaking test, which are independent of each other.
YCT (四级)主要面向按每周2-3课时进度学习汉语两个学期以上,掌握600个常用词语和相关语法知识的中小学生。 YCT (四级)共80题,分听力、阅读和书写三部分。 全部考试约85 分钟(含考生填写个人信息时间5 分钟)。 第一部分,共10题。 每题听两次。 每题都是一个对话,试卷上提供一张图片,考生根据听到的内容判断对错。 第二部分,共10题。 每题听两次。 每题都是三句话,试卷上提供一张图片,考生根据听到的内容选出与图片一致的那句话。 第三部分,共10题。 每题听两次。 每题 …