裕达牌孵化机采用微电脑控制器作为核心,以大容蛋量箱体式孵化设备实现整批上孵、整批出苗的孵化方式,配以高质量的外围器件和控制电路,使孵化机具有多功能、全自动、孵化出雏一体 …
裕达YDX-4小型孵化机352枚 详情 - ydfhj.com
2016年1月15日 · 裕达牌孵化机采用微电脑控制器作为核心,以大容蛋量箱体式孵化设备实现整批上孵、整批出苗的孵化方式,配以高质量的外围器件和控制电路,使孵化机具有多功能、全自 …
YfhJ, a Molecular Adaptor in Iron-Sulfur Cluster Formation or …
2006年5月1日 · The yfhJ gene is part of the isc operon, which encodes the machinery devoted to assemble iron-sulfur clusters in prokaryotes. Its transcript is a small acidic protein that binds …
裕达孵化机告诉你翻蛋的重要性 - ydfhj.com
2014年3月11日 · 摘要: 孵化设备孵化 翻蛋也称转蛋,就是改变种蛋的孵化位置和角度,蛋黄含脂肪多,比重较小,总是浮在蛋的上面。而胚胎又位于蛋黄之上。如果长时间不翻蛋,胚胎容易 …
Role of IscX in Iron–Sulfur Cluster Biogenesis in
Structural studies have shown that IscX (also called YfhJ) adopts a compact α-helical structure that exposes several acidic residues that mediate iron binding. Previous studies also reported …
YfhJ, a Molecular Adaptor in Iron-Sulfur Cluster Formation or a Frataxin-like Protein? The yfhJ gene is part of the isc operon, which encodes the machinery devoted to assemble iron-sulfur …
2BZT: NMR structure of the bacterial protein YFHJ from E. coli
YfhJ, a molecular adaptor in iron-sulfur cluster formation or a frataxin-like protein? The yfhJ gene is part of the isc operon, which encodes the machinery devoted to assemble iron-sulfur …
PROTEINS: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics | Protein …
2005年6月3日 · YfhJ (also called ORF3 or IscX) is a small, acidic protein of 66 residues, and pI = 3.7. The homologs of YfhJ are distributed in proteobacteria categorized in the β- and γ …
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YfhJ, a molecular adaptor in iron-sulfur cluster formation or a ...
The yfhJ gene is part of the isc operon, which encodes the machinery devoted to assemble iron-sulfur clusters in prokaryotes. Its transcript is a small acidic protein that binds the desulfurase …