YGOPRODeck – Download and Share Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks
YGOPRODeck, your ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh! Database and Deck Share Site. Features a Deck Builder, Price Checker and hundreds of Yu-Gi-Oh! decks! We also host the most comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database available. For all things Yu-Gi-Oh!, check out YGOPRODeck.com
Blue-Eyes 2025 - YGOPRODeck
You can export your deck directly from YGOPRODeck to Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel or Neuron using our Web Browser extension! Simply install the extension, and click the button below to export your deck to Master Duel or Neuron! It will bring you to the Official Konami Database. Once there, you can edit a deck and hit the "Import clipboard and save ...
Meta Decks - Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - YGOPRODeck
Meta Decks from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - YGOPRODeck.
InNoHurryToCode/YGOPro-Decks - GitHub
Official Yu-Gi-Oh! starter and structure decks recreated in YGOProES 1.034.9 (should work with any YGOPRO variant). All cards are sorted by card number. The decks are named by their TCG variant. If a TCG variant of the deck doesn't exist, it's named by the OCG variant.
GitHub - ygodueltech/ygodecks: ydk decks
chardecks contains ydks for character page decks scraped from https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Legendary_Duelist. no guarantees on everything being parsed …
Deck Viewer
In the course of visualizing the deck data, card data and imagery is retrieved from the YGOPRODeck API, again exposing some identifying information by necessity, combined with information about the card you are requesting.
anonfansub/ygodecks: Yu-Gi-Oh! friendly decks for beginners - GitHub
More than 500 decks ready to play! All starter and structure decks are identical to the official releases. All MD decks availabe. Deckbuilding policy: our goal is to offer decks to demonstrate a specific strategy, so we avoid including staples. You can open .ydk files with: Deck Viewer; YGORed; Duelingbook; EDOPro; You can easily find staples here.
YGOPRO Deck - Download Yu-Gi-Oh! Decks
Deck, the largest database of the latest ygopro decks in the world, all decks are available for free. Thousands of new decks are added every day. The Yu-Gi-Oh! Deck website has a deck for everyone, weather you are looking for a meta deck or a …
200+ ygopro decks that topped during past formats! (+ DropBox link)
2017年5月16日 · Over the past years, I have amassed over 300 decks in my ygopro folder. A few weeks ago, I decided to sort that mess: I revisited each past format from 2004 to 2017 on yugiohtopdecks and downloaded decks that topped during that era. I made sure to include rogue deck lists as well, especially obscure ones.
Meta Decks - Maxx "C" TCG
These decks have demonstrated success at various levels of competition, including Local Tournaments, Regional Tournaments, and YCS Tournaments. To help with your testing and exploration of these strategies, you can download a YDK files for all …