What does "yeah" mean in American? [closed] - English Language …
2014年11月8日 · In pop songs, "yeah" is often used is a gap-filler with no real meaning except perhaps to emphasise what has come before it: "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah". This use is now somewhat cliched. "Yeah!" can also indicate satisfaction. At the end of a song, a musician or a fan might declare "Yeah!", meaning "That song was performed well, and I am ...
"Yeah Right" expression - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2011年2月3日 · Yeah, right. could also be interpreted as another variation of . I know, right? It entirely depends on inflection when speaking. When written, if the ending punctuation is an exclamation . Yeah, right! you could infer the meaning to be ironic, whereas if the ending punctuation was a question mark . Yeah, right? you could infer the acceptance ...
synonyms - When is it appropriate to use "Yeah" and "Yep" as …
Yeah can also be used in a partial negation [yeah, but] meaning that you are affirming only a portion of the question. Friend: Did you get movie tickets for me with the money I gave you? You: Yeah, but they cost ten dollars more than you gave me for them. Would you be willing to pay for the popcorn? Friend: Yep. You: OK. See you there.
When does 'okay' work as an answer to a question to replace yes?
2016年2月18日 · yeah, and please make sure you don't use okay where it is clearly a yes or no question. it's highly annoying and can possibly make the recipient very angry because they'll have to again waste energy on asking you what your okay actually means. i hate many people in my life because of this thing. –
Is there a clean version of "no sh*t, Sherlock"?
2013年3月18日 · The phrase "no shit, Sherlock" or just "no shit" is a reply used when someone else points out something obvious. I was thinking about it the other day and I realized I don't know if there is a clean
Yeah. No! Or Yeah, no! - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2017年12月28日 · Unless the person responding has just made a mistake initially, and said "yeah" when they meant to say "no" and then corrected themself. In which case either would work ok, but the meaning is ambiguous, and should instead be something like, "Yeah, I mean, no!" or some such similar if that was the intended meaning. –
formality - Why is "yeah" considered unprofessional? - English …
2014年2月9日 · I have read in many places on the Internet that "yeah" is considered unprofessional. And that using "yes" is preferred and considered more formal. What is the reason behind it?
Meaning of "that's fine" in modern American English when used as …
2019年11月20日 · Here in the States it is tricky due to the melting pot of cultures so "thats fine" could be interpreted as a simple acknowledgement/agreement to a passive aggressive way of showing ones upset/half-hearted agreement without actually saying the words.
What is the difference between "ok" and "alright"?
2014年8月4日 · If you believe the Orl Korrect etymology, I think it relates to American Military jargon, presenting on parade. In the computer and mobile world, it has a special role as being short - so OK and NO are the positive/negative answers you can give in two characters. OK often means you are agreeing without really caring one way or the other.
Meaning of "So yeah" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年2月12日 · When ending a sentence, it often is used in places where the spoken emphasis and pacing of the sentence are inconsistent with the content, so the speaker uses "so yeah" as a way of completing the sentence. Lastly, it is sometimes used as a way to wrap up a speech or thought, in a similar way that "over" is used on the radio. So yeah.