1005 - Wikipedia
Year 1005 (MV) was a common year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar. Spring – The Republic of Pisa conducts a military offensive against the Saracen strongholds in Southern Italy. The Pisan fleet sacks the city of Reggio Calabria.
1005年 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1月28日 —— 北宋 与 契丹 订立 澶淵之盟。 崔沖 高麗科舉狀元。 熱那亞共和國 成立。 广济寺 (宝坻) 开山。
Year 1005 - Historical Events and Notable People - On This Day
What happened and who was notable in 1005? Browse important events, world leaders, notable birthdays, and tragic deaths from the year 1005.
1005 - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1005 was a common year starting on Monday of the Julian calendar, the 1005th year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 5th year of the 2nd millennium, the 5th year of the 11th century, and the 6th year of the 1000s decade. As of the start of 1005, the Gregorian calendar was 6 days ahead of the Julian calendar, which was ...
1005年 - 百度百科
景德 二年(1005) 正月 ,宋遣散前召集戍边的丁壮回乡务农;鉴于战乱造成河北地区耕具短缺,牛多瘠死,又组织购耕牛发送河北,并推行淮、楚地区民间习用的踏犁(犁系人力犁,凡四点五人力可比一头牛力)。类似政策的实施,使得宋北方沿边地区的农业 ...
What Happened In History Year 1005 - EventsHistory
What happened in the year 1005 in history? Famous historical events that shook and changed the world. Discover events in 1005.
1005 AD : E. McNally : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : …
This information was collected as part of a lifelong project to create a historical timeline by E. McNally. The rest of the timeline can be found here: https://archive.org/details/emcnallychronology. Unordered events occurring during the year of …
1005年日历全年表- 1005全年日历农历表_- 1005挂历 - 100xgj.com
1005 - acearchive.org
The year 1005 was marked by significant events in Europe, the British Isles, and Asia. From military offensives to the succession of new rulers, the year was not without its fair share of drama. In Europe, the Republic of Pisa flexed its military muscle by launching a successful attack on Saracen strongholds in Southern Italy.
Chinese year 1005
What chinese year is 1005? Chinese zodiac animals, love compatibility, horoscope and lucky numbers.
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