Yekke - Wikipedia
A Yekke (also Jecke) is a Jew of German-speaking origin. [1] The wave of immigration to British Mandatory Palestine in the 1930s and 1940s known as the Fifth Aliyah had a large proportion …
15 Facts About Yekkes, the Jews of Germany - Chabad.org
Among the various ethnicities and cultures that make up Klal Yisrael, the entirety of the Jewish nation, a special place is occupied by Yekkes, Jews from Germany. Punctilious and particular, …
The Story of the Yekkes – Jewish Germans in the Land of Israel
2018年4月30日 · Much like Jews from Arab lands, who were given offensive nicknames, German immigrants too suffered mocking insults. They were called “The Yekkes”, one interpretations of …
The Yekkes - The Jerusalem Post
2009年5月28日 · It was a nickname given to the German Jewish immigrants who arrived in Palestine after the rise of the Hitler regime. There are two theories about the origin of the …
These German Jewish Baby Names Honor Yekke Heritage
2023年8月8日 · Yekke is a (generally!) affectionate Yiddish term for German Jews. It’s derived from the German word jacke (jacket) and was potentially invented by Eastern European Jews …
‘yekkes’ Gather to Mark Their Contributions to the Jewish State
2004年5月17日 · The yekkes were among the minority of Jews in pre-state Palestine who lobbied for the rights of the Arabs, having brought to Israel a sensitivity to minority rights from their …
From the German Yishuv to Berliner Strassen: The Yekke 85 …
More than eighty years after the Hitachdut Olei Germania organized programming to help German Jews integrate into life in the Yishuv and to fight the stereotype of the Yekke, the Jüdische …
Yekke renewal: a new project 'Traces' the remnants of German-Jewish …
Underwritten by a 250,000 euro grant from the German Foreign Office, a new databank seeks to preserve the last vestiges of German-Jewish life from around the world
You're a Yekke? How cool - Haaretz Com
2011年6月10日 · According to one version, "Yekke" came from the German word "Jacke," meaning jacket - an item of dress typical of Western European Jews. Others say, with a wink, …
(PDF) Changing Definitions of Germanness across Three Generations …
A strong awareness of Yekke roots derives from the peculiarities of the community’s arrival in Israel, the reethnicization of Israeli Jewish society, Yekke parenting practices, the good …