synonyms - When is it appropriate to use "Yeah" and "Yep" as …
Looking at the definitions given for yeah, yeh, yep, or yup, all those words are defined as exclamation & noun nonstandard spelling of yes, representing informal pronunciation. Looking at the examples provided from the Werriam-Webster Online, it seems that yeah, and yep are used in two different cases.
Spelling "Yeah" and "Yea" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2011年1月22日 · Yeah [ jæ ] (synonym of yes, opposite of nah) is for ordinary assent; and; Yea [ jɛi ] (opposite of nay) is for formal assent during a vote. It's just that many people type yea (or even just ya) when they mean yeah. Outside of the U.S., yeh [ jɛ ] is also common.
What does "yeah" mean in American? [closed] - English Language …
2014年11月8日 · when doubled ("yeah yeah") and said in a bored tone, it means "I am bored with what you are saying and want you to stop talking". It may also indicate disbelief. urbandictionary.com. In pop songs, "yeah" is often used is a gap-filler with no real meaning except perhaps to emphasise what has come before it: "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah".
Difference between "yup" and "yes" - English Language & Usage …
Voting to close on the grounds any cursory search will reveal that "yup" (like "yep", "yeah", etc.) is slang/informal. Is it meaningful to ask the difference between using a slang word and the equivalent "standard" form?
"Yeah Right" expression - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Yeah, right. could also be interpreted as another variation of . I know, right? It entirely depends on inflection when speaking. When written, if the ending punctuation is an exclamation . Yeah, right! you could infer the meaning to be ironic, whereas if the ending punctuation was a question mark . Yeah, right? you could infer the acceptance ...
pronunciation - Who pronounces "yeah" as /jæ/? - English …
2024年1月12日 · I would pronounce yeah with two syllables /jæə/, but yeh or yah (variants, like yeah, of yes) with one. Cowboys are famous for saying yup. While we're at it, aye (an affirmative [vote]) or aye aye (in sailor-talk), is usually pronounced like "eye", but aye, ([for]ever), is sometimes pronounced like the name of the letter A.
american english - Is it "Probably yes" or "Probably, yes"? - English ...
2020年10月1日 · Probably, yes. / (and certainly Probably ... yes.) usually shows an on-the-hoof corrective/firming-up change/modification of answer. Probably yes. usually shows that the answer to the prior question is probably (in the answerer's estimation) yes. But there are different interpretations to these fragments; context (or full sentences) is needed.
Meaning of "So yeah" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2015年2月12日 · When ending a sentence, it often is used in places where the spoken emphasis and pacing of the sentence are inconsistent with the content, so the speaker uses "so yeah" as a way of completing the sentence. Lastly, it is sometimes used as a way to wrap up a speech or thought, in a similar way that "over" is used on the radio. So yeah.
formality - Why is "yeah" considered unprofessional? - English …
2014年2月9日 · yeah adv. Informal Yes. yeah American English, colloquial, by 1863, from drawling pronunciation of yes.
etymology - What is the history and regional dispersion of the ...
2016年12月10日 · Yes is the same word as yea which is the same in germanic. It's a very old word. Being one of the most used words in the English language, yea probably was said as yep and yup in many colloquial settings, workshops, pubs many times before it was recorded in writing. yup is a fairly low energy way of say the word, which is probably easier to pronounce than yea, so laborers saying yea would have ...