talmud gemara - Hard Yeshivish phrases to translate - Mi Yodeya
The preface, on the reality of Yeshivish is deep and the other small discussions at the beginning (including a translation of Hamlet's soliloquy) are amazing. I really approve of* this book. *This …
ashkenazi - Learning Kabbalah & Yeshiva World - Mi Yodeya
2014年6月9日 · The Yeshivish world definitely learns kabbalah — it just depends on how you define kabbalah. Zohar? Perhaps not. But the idea that "Zohar=kabbalah" is quite …
talmud gemara - Which are the "Yeshivish Masechtos"? - Mi
2020年1月2日 · Yeshivish mesechtos are typically the masechtos learned in high school because they are the ones that are more involving (lots of lomdus) and can train a person how to …
halacha - Litvaks/Yeshivish and Shulchan Aruch - Mi Yodeya
2014年4月30日 · First of all, there's no rule that all of the litvishe Ashkenazim have to follow the Mishna Berura. It was very well accepted, but deciding on each halacha is a very complicated …
halacha - Can you please define this yeshivish term? - Mi Yodeya
2024年12月8日 · She’at ha-dechak, or in yeshivish pronunciation shas hadchak. The Hebrew is שעת הדחק, literally a pressing time, or, more colloquially, under pressing circumstances, or in …
Where can I buy a Yeshivish fedora online? - Mi Yodeya
In most [Yeshivish][1] circles (and Chabad Hasidim), a black snap-brim fedora is worn. Usually it is a Borsalino, but not always. Could someone recommend a place online where I could get …
shidduchim dating - Standard engagement timeframe in modern …
2017年5月21日 · From my experience the average engagement period in the Yeshivish circles is 2 - 4 months. Although I know of cases where the wedding was in as short as 4 -5 weeks and …
What’s the difference between Litvish and regular Ashkenazi?
2024年5月22日 · I think the confusion on the part of some, stems from the fact that socio-culturally the term "Litvish" is often used today interchangeably with Ashkenazi-Yeshivish, …
Why are these tractates, "Yeshivish Mesechtos"?
@Yitzchak, Interesting point. I can't think of why the "yeshivish" masechtos would be more popular in the times of the rishonim such that e.g. Rabbeinu Yonah would write his …
Yiddish in chassidish versus in yeshivish culture [closed]
2023年11月21日 · Why didn't Yeshivish people decide to continue ensuring the survival of the Yiddish language, like their Chassidic counterparts? (I understand that the shiur/class in many …