Yarntown by Max Mraz - Itch.io
2020年7月20日 · Welcome to Yarntown, a Zeldalike tribute to Bloodborne. Explore the streets of a cursed, gothic town, hunting beasts and uncovering twisted bosses. Created by Max Mraz in the Solarus engine. Playable on Mac and Linux via the Solarus launcher, linked below. I'm not selling this game, since it's a fan game!
- 评论数: 106
有人用2D像素画面复刻了一款《血源:诅咒》 - 游研社
2020年7月21日 · 《雅南镇》是国外独立游戏开发者Max Mraz最近制作的一款游戏,用作者本人的话来说,就是个“很可爱,有点儿塞尔达味的血源”。 从底层的机制设定来看,《雅南镇》基本上做到了对《血源》的完全模仿。 开枪、喝血瓶、翻滚闪避、不怎么够用的耐力条,甚至于保存并退出(退出后将从最近点亮的梦境灯开始游戏),都和原版别无二致。 除此之外,《雅南镇》还通过平面的形式复刻了《血源》的关卡设计。 比如宫崎英高最拿手的单向门: 比如曾经劝退无数玩 …
Someone Remade Bloodborne's Yharnam IN 2D Including Boss …
2020年7月24日 · Someone Remade Bloodborne's Yharnam IN 2D Including Boss Fights! - Yarntown Full Playthrough - YouTube. A old school zelda style bloodborne is something i never knew i wanted to bad! Check out...
有人用2D像素画面复刻了一款《血源:诅咒》 - GameRes游资网
2020年7月22日 · 《雅南镇》是国外独立游戏开发者Max Mraz最近制作的一款游戏,用作者本人的话来说,就是个“很可爱,有点儿塞尔达味的血源”。 从底层的机制设定来看,《雅南镇》基本上做到了对《血源》的完全模仿。 开枪、喝血瓶、翻滚闪避、不怎么够用的耐力条,甚至于保存并退出(退出后将从最近点亮的梦境灯开始游戏),都和原版别无二致。 除此之外,《雅南镇》还通过平面的形式复刻了《血源》的关卡设计。 比如宫崎英高最拿手的单向门: 比如曾经劝退无数玩 …
Yarntown: Free Bloodborne Reimagined as a 2D Top-Down Zelda
2020年7月19日 · Max Mraz, an indie developer, released a free game known as Yarntown yesterday that reimagines Bloodborne as a top-down, 2D game reminiscent of classic Zelda …
Yarntown - Moth Atlas
Yarntown is a 2D pixel art tribute to Bloodborne, a dark fantasy video game released on Playstation 4 in 2015. Bloodborne is as renowned for its demanding and merciless gameplay as for its incredible gothico-victorian atmosphere. This project was developed in one month and recreates Central Yharnam as a Zeldalike adventure.
有人用2D像素画面复刻了一款《血源:诅咒》 - 百家号
位于遥远东方,人烟罕至的山区中有一古都“雅南(Yharnam)”,众所皆知是个被诅咒的城市,自古流传着“怪兽瘟疫”的奇特地方性疾病。 这是五年前From Software推出的动作角色扮演游戏《血源:诅咒》的背景设定,也是俯视视角、塞尔达像素风格游戏《雅南镇 ...
Royal Chase by Yharnam, Tom Levannier, KalaTV, YuuNiKorn, …
Royal Chase is a 2D Chase-type game with horizontal scrolling. You play as a royal guard who have to chase Lady Diana who stole the crown of the Queen on the Tower Bridge. To win, you'll have to collect the collectible illustrated as fish&chips. If you don't collect them before Diana reach Buckingam, you loose. Normal Controls : [D] - Move Forward
Yharnam night - Finished Projects - Blender Artists Community
2021年8月7日 · I wanted to resume my old work (one of the first I made in blender) and upgrade it, reshaping everything, creating a new main character, giving new light to this fan art in 4k .
Yarntown: this is the mix of Bloodborne and Zelda in 2D; free on PC
2020年7月20日 · Yarntown: this is the mix of Bloodborne and Zelda in 2D; free on PC July 20, 2020 The game, available free on Itch.io, is a kind of demake of From Software’s work with two-dimensional The Legend of Zelda elements.
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