Bristol Omnibus – Bristol Lodekka – YHT 962 – L8450
2009年4月25日 · Bristol Omnibus – Bristol Lodekka – YHT 962 – L8450. Bristol Omnibus 1957 Bristol Lodekka LDL6G ECW H37/33RD. Among the 250 LD chassis built in 1957 as the 134th sanction were scattered six chassis to the new legal length on two axles of 30ft. They are generally referred to as type LDL, but I have seen LLD used in some factory documents.
Bristol Omnibus – Old bus photos
Bristol Omnibus – Bristol Lodekka – YHT 962 – L8450. Bristol Omnibus 1957 Bristol Lodekka LDL6G ECW H37/33RD. Among the 250 LD chassis built in 1957 as the 134th sanction were scattered six chassis to the new legal length on two axles of 30ft. They are generally referred to as type LDL, but I have seen LLD used in some factory documents.
Collector's item | When my great bus-photographing brainstor
When my great bus-photographing brainstorm began in 1975, the rarest and most interesting vehicle in my local fleet, Bristol Omnibus Co., of which I was an employee, was this one, no. L8450 (YHT 962). It was an LDL6G Lodekka, new in 1957, so eighteen years old and an obvious candidate for the chop ...sooner rather than later.
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bristolomnibusco photos on Flickr
When my great bus-photographing brainstorm began in 1975, the rarest and most interesting vehicle in my local fleet, Bristol Omnibus Co., of which I was an employee, was this one, no. L8450 (YHT 962). It was an LDL6G Lodekka, new in 1957, so eighteen years old and an obvious candidate for the chop ...sooner rather than later.
The original National white knuckle ride! | I happened to se ... - Flickr
I happened to see Bristol Omnibus L8450 (YHT 962) one of the Bristol LDL6Gs on the 253 to Warminster one day and decided to get a picture of it. So I popped out to Rodden, on the Warminster end of Frome and waited.
- 查看次数: 1903
RS01900 | TransportPhotos.com
YHT 962. Location. Colerne Crossroads 5/70. Quality. 4. Colour. B&W. Remarks. Route 230 - Bath. Category. Transport > Road > Passenger vehicles > Double decker. If you have more information about this image, or if you have spotted an error, please contact us to let us know. Buy this Photograph.
MIDV-962 庆祝七周年 - 坚强而抽搐的米亚责骂我的日常生活,以 …
”米娅通常很严厉,但什么时候谈到爱情,她就像“ Shuki! '甜蜜'的同居生活。 尽管米娅骂我,米娅不理我,米娅冷漠地对待我,但我还是感到高兴。 米娅就在我旁边。 很平凡,却又特别又平凡。 4K设备拍摄。 采用最新的金色镜片。 压倒性的视觉美感。 七泽米亚“男友”视角的沉浸式体验! 我尽可能自然地拍摄七泽米亚。 恭喜七泽米亚出道七周年。 平凡,却又特别。 标题: 祝・7周年記念 強気でツンツンしてるみあに怒られる日常としゅきしゅき連呼で痙攣イキまくるみあとの営 …
Hecht 962 - YouTube
2022年5月15日 · Watch the Hecht 962 video on YouTube.
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