Mutation Dictionary - IndianRingNeck.com
lol, my brain just did a somersault, then a backflip, reading that last post, Willy I've still got a long way to go before getting my head totally around homozygous, heterozygous, alleles etc.....
hi - IndianRingNeck.com
Olive YHYT Male + Yellow Ringneck Female 1.0 DD green cleartail x 0.1 ino % from all 1.0 100.0% 1.0 D green /ino cleartail % from all 0.1 100.0% 0.1 D green /cleartail From this pairing …
Need help to Id Chicks - IndianRingNeck.com
2015 Df turquoise violet / pied * violet AMD pied YHYT olive * DF Indigo Dark blue pied * Violet opaline Violet blue AMD pied * Cobalt df Violet
Emerald Green Fluorescence - Page 2 - IndianRingNeck.com
2014年1月6日 · Dr Deon, thanks for the pictures. They really shed a new light on emerald.
Can (turquoise/emerald) Parblue ever be a Dominant Mutation?
Johan, Yes, that would be nice! This green in above pic i believe is /turquoise first year breeding with him & i have another mature green/blue which in comparisson is a duller color, basic …
Anyone have any pics of Olives - IndianRingNeck.com
I looked up that thread that you mentioned- and it was determined that the first chick was a GreyGreen Cinnamon (called a golden olive or a golden cherry in some countries- and nothing …
Indigo? Turquoise? Violet Pallid with pics - IndianRingNeck.com
Hi, You have definately got a turquoise violet pallid, you can tell by the amount of colouring through the back and wings, the Indigo has the opposite effect, it reduces the yellow/cream …
Recessive Lutino H&T - IndianRingNeck.com
2012年11月7日 · Glenn, if really interested in breeding ino H&T, I'd think one will need to go back to green series birds (YHYT). I don't know/think that the albinos will show the same effect in …
gen calc question - IndianRingNeck.com
Kimi, that is a difficult (and good!) question. Now, a dark factor / blue bird has inherited one dark factor and one blue factor from its parents.
How to identify homozygous Indigo Chicks ? - IndianRingNeck.com
Hi All; I have an indigo blue hen sitting on 4 eggs who is paired with an indigo blue male (both hetrozygous for indigo).