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一边...一边... (yìbiān...yìbiān...): The ... - ImproveMandarin
一边 (yìbiān)… to express simultaneous activities, in this case following up on the idea I mentioned just now about listening to as much Chinese as you can among other things. 你可以 一边 健身, 一边 听播客。 Nǐ kěyǐ yìbiān jiànshēn, yìbiān tīng bōkè. You can listen to podcasts while working out. 你可以 一边 做饭, 一边 听电台。 Nǐ kěyǐ yìbiān zuòfàn, yìbiān tīng diàntái.
一边 (yī biān) Definition & Meaning - What does 一边 ... - HanBook
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 一边 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 一边 is while; as; at the same time .
便宜属于 多音词,一共有两种读音(分别为pián yi、biàn yí),常用于指东西价钱低廉或不应得的利益。 ①价钱低、实惠。 [英文,Cheap] ②不应得的利益:占~。 ③使得到便宜:~了你。 [英文,Let sb. off lightly] ④方言,愚蠢的,傻的(多做定语)。 【释义】方便合适;便利:院子前后都有门,出入很~。 【示例】诸大夫固请谒见新王,周、召二公奉子郑主丧,诸大夫假便宜,称君命以吊。 ——明 冯梦龙 《东周列国志》 【成语】便宜行事biànyí xíng shì 经过特许,不必请 …
( one side in Chinese) - Han Trainer English-Chinese and Chinese ...
一边 ( yibian / yībiān ) is composed of these characters: 一 (yi) , 边 (bian)
Yi Bian - Sargent & Lundy | LinkedIn
Experience: Sargent & Lundy · Location: Wilmette · 269 connections on LinkedIn. View Yi Bian’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.
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Yi Bian - Meta | LinkedIn
View Yi Bian’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. Experience: Meta · Education: Carnegie Mellon University · Location: Sunnyvale · 500+ connections on LinkedIn.
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⒈ 指东西的一面,事情的一方面。 例这块木料只有一边光滑。 ⒉ 同样;一般。 例他俩一边高。 ⒈ 一个动作与另一个动作同时进行。 例一边听收音机,一边织毛衣。 ⒈ 一侧;一面。 引《后汉书·五行志一》:“堕马髻者,作一边。 唐 李白 《赠昇州王使君忠臣》诗:“巨海一边静,长江万里清。 金 董解元 《西厢记诸宫调》卷四:“﹝ 红娘 ﹞持牋归,置於粧台一边。 《儿女英雄传》第一回:“怎奈那些关切一边的师友亲戚骨肉,都以天恩祖德报国勤民的大义劝勉。 丁西林 《一只马 …
Penggunaan Kata 一边 yi bian......一边 yi bian...... - Suara Mandarin
2024年8月27日 · Melihat arti“一边......一边......, maka dapat kita ketahui bahwa “ yì biān...... yì biān......” berarti melakukan dua hal dalam satu waktu. YUK ucapkan dalam Bahasa Mandarin, …
Chinese Grammar: Conjunction Simultaneous Tasks 一边 …
2019年3月6日 · In this infographic, we teach you how this grammar works! The sentence structure is simple: 1. The subject is placed at the beginning. 2. Then use the phrase “一边 (yībiān)” twice (sometimes more, if necessary) 3. Place verb after each “一边 (yībiān)” See sentence structure and examples below.
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