宜良县 - 百度百科
宜良县,隶属于云南省昆明市,位于云南省中部,地处北纬24°30′36″~25°17′02″、东经102°58′22″~103°28′75″之间,东临陆良县、石林彝族自治县,南接弥勒市、华宁县,西与澄江市、呈贡区和官渡区毗邻,北同嵩明县相连,县城距昆明市区52公里,距石林国家级风景名胜区24公里、九乡风景区 ...
Yiliang County, Kunming - Wikipedia
Yiliang County (Chinese: 宜良县; pinyin: Yíliáng Xiàn) is a county, under the jurisdiction of Kunming, the capital of Yunnan province, China. Administrative divisions [ edit ]
Yunnan off the beaten track: two days in Yiliang - Fabio Nodari
2025年1月15日 · Yiliang (宜良县) is a county that belongs to Kunming (here is my travel guide), the capital of Yunnan (here is my travel guide to Yunnan).It lays at an elevation of about 1.600 meters above sea level, and it’s easily accessible from Kunming as there are daily buses that depart every 15 minutes from the east bus station (昆明东部汽车客运站).
宜良县 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
宜良县位于中华人民共和国 云南省中部偏东、南盘江上游,是昆明市下属的一个县,距市区52公里。 东邻陆良、石林县,南接弥勒、华宁县,西连澄江县及昆明市呈贡区和官渡区,北与嵩明、马龙县相望。 全县面积1913平方千米,2020年总人口38.49万人,縣人民政府驻匡远街道。
Yiliang County, Zhaotong - Wikipedia
Yiliang County (Chinese: 彝良县; pinyin: Yíliáng Xiàn) is a county in the southeast of Yunnan Province, China, bordering the provinces of Sichuan to the northeast and Guizhou to the south. It is under the administration of the prefecture-level city of Zhaotong.In 2020 the population was 631,538 including 14.27% ethnic minorities, most of them Miao (59,920) and Yi (28,406).
Yiliang County Travel Guide: Attractions, Tours, Climate, Food ...
Yiliang County (Kunming) Overview. Chinese Name: English IPA: Location: Population (city): Language: Zip code: Tel code: Time zone: . Yiliang County is located in the central part of Yunnan Province. Yiliang county is adjacent to Luliang County and Shilin County in the east, Mile County and Huaning County in the south, Chengjiang county, Chenggong county and Guandu District in the west, and ...
宜良县 10 大景点玩乐 - Tripadvisor
Yiliang Li
Yiliang Li I am a tenure-track assistant professor at the School of International Trade and Economics (SITE), University of International Business and Economics (U IBE). My research interests lie at the intersection of macroeconomics , international trade, and supply chains, and I received my DPhil in Economics from the University of Oxford in ...
昆明宜良县简介 - CNCN.com
昆明宜良县简介. 宜良地处云南中部,距省会昆明54公里,距世界著名风景区石林24公里,海拔1300-2700米,年平均温度16.3摄氏度,夏季平均气温28度,冬季平均气温12度,全年无霜期300天,年降雨量1000毫米。
彝良县 - 百度百科
彝良县,隶属云南省昭通市。地处云南省东北部的云、贵、川三省结合部的乌蒙山区,位于东经103°51′—104°45′、北纬27°16′—27°57′之间。东邻镇雄、威信县,南接贵州威宁、赫章县,西靠昭阳区、大关县,北与盐津县、四川筠连县毗邻。区域面积2795.76平方千米,截至2023年年末,彝 …
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