Yo-Jin-Bo | Manga Wiki | Fandom
Yo-Jin-Bo (The Bodyguards) (用心棒 Yōjinbō?) is a Japanese visual novel produced by Two-Five. In October 2006, Hirameki International released an English edition of the PC version in the United States. It is part of their AnimePlay PC line, and as such is a PC game (as opposed to the DVD games in...
Yo-Jin-Bo (The Bodyguards) is a Japanese visual novel produced by Two-Five. In October 2006, Hirameki International released an English edition of the PC version in the United States. It is part of their AnimePlay PC line, and as such is a PC game (as opposed to the DVD games in that line, which have limited features).
Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards (Part 1) - YouTube
2021年12月21日 · I don't care what anyone says, this old school otome is hilarious. And it's got some steamy moments too! :DDeveloped by: TWOFIVE, Karin EntertainmentBuy it f...
Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards/Jinnosuke Murasame
One of the guys that are hired to protect Hatsuhime. He is friends with Bo and Yo. While he is a good natured guy he also bit awkward around women.
Yo-Jin-Bo ~Unmei no Freude~ | vndb
The story focuses on Sayori, a modern-day school girl with an interest in history. She joins her history club in an excavation, and discovers an old Jade pendant buried in the mud and takes …
Yo-Jin-Bo - Lemma Soft Forums
2007年7月17日 · I recently picked up Yo-Jin-Bo, and was curious whether anyone else here had played it. I've played through to two non-game over endings so far, and while as a guy bishounen aren't really my interest, I found the game to be enjoyable anyway.
Yo-Jin-Bo・攻略目次 - momokan.chu.jp
[Hirameki International] Yo-Jin-Bo The Bodyguards / 用心棒
Yo-Jin-Bo: The Bodyguards is one of the rare Japanese otome visual novel games fully translated to English! You play Sayori, an ordinary high school student who is spending her summer vacation helping at an archaeological excavation site.
Yo-Jin-Bo (PC/Mac CD-ROM 2005) Japanese Anime Visual Novel …
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