GitHub - andre1araujo/YOLO-on-PYNQ-Z2: This repository …
This project consists on implementing a YOLOv3 object detector on a PYNQ-Z2 PLD, making use of the Zynq-7020 to accelerate the inference and provide accurate results. In the end, the user …
使用PYNQ Z2实现目标检测 YOLO (从零到一的项目构建)
2023年10月23日 · 本文详细介绍了如何在PYNQZ2开发板上使用2.5版本的镜像文件,包括格式化SD卡、安装PYNQ例程、设置网络连接并运行Objectdetectiondemo的过程。
基于PYNQ-Z2复现yolov2_yolo z2-CSDN博客
2020年6月13日 · pynq-z2复现yolo-v2工程,已经更换了新的权重。 使用 PYNQ Z 2 实现目标检测 YOLO (从零到一的项目构建) 为了梦想而努力奋斗
Xilinx Vitis AI量化部署Yolov5至DPU (PYNQ) - CSDN博客
2024年3月20日 · 本文章记述了从YOLOv5 源代码 使用Xilinx Vitis AI进行量化并部署到DPU上的全流程。 在开Pynq环境下运行测试通过。 主机: Ubuntu 22.04 + Vivado 2022.2 + Vitis AI 2.5.0 …
GitHub - zhaijiaqi/yolov3-tiny_xilinx_fpga: A demo for accelerating ...
A Demo for accelerating YOLOv2 in Xilinx's FPGA PYNQ-z2, Zedboard and ZCU102 I have graduated from Jiangnan University, China in July 1, 2019. Related papers are available now. …
README.md · 张航/YOLO-on-PYNQ-Z2 - Gitee.com
This project consists on implementing a YOLOv3 object detector on a PYNQ-Z2 PLD, making use of the Zynq-7020 to accelerate the inference and provide accurate results. In the end, the user …
GitHub - fpgadeveloper/pynq-ncs-yolo: YOLO object detector …
YOLO for PYNQ-Z1 and Intel/Movidius Neural Compute Stick (NCS) This project is derived from yoloNCS and is intended to be used on the PYNQ-Z1 board. Using this repo on your PYNQ-Z1
Introduction | YOLO on PYNQ-Z2 - GitBook
The PYNQ-Z2 board is a Xilinx development board that takes part on the PYNQ family (Python Productivity for Zynq). This board is the one recommended by Xilinx to get started on the …
YOLO on PYNQ-Z2 | YOLO on PYNQ-Z2 - GitBook
A full guide to implement a YOLOv3 object detector on a PYNQ-Z2 FPGA.
2020年5月19日 · PYNQ provides a Python interface that allows you to control overlays in PL through Python running in PS. FPGA design is a professional task that requires hardware …
pynq_yolov2: 基于pynq的yolov2目标检测 - Gitee
pynq_yolov2 介绍 基于pynq的yolov2目标检测 软硬件配置 PYNQ-Z2开发板、USB数据线、网线、SD卡、读卡器 PYNQ Image: PYNQ v2.6 vivado/HLS:2020.1 项目实现 搭建HLS工程,生 …
Real-time object detector | YOLO on PYNQ-Z2 - GitBook
The original project had the goal to implement a real-time object detector on the PYNQ-Z2, making use of the Zynq-7020 FPGA to accelerate the inference time. I'm proud to say it was …
lus-oa/YOLOv5-FPGA - GitHub
By leveraging the power of Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and utilising both the fpgaConvNet and the Xilinx PYNQ frameworks, this solution enables high-performance and …
基于PYNQ-Z2(7020)复现Yolo_v2 - CSDN博客
这篇博客详细介绍了如何在PYNQ-Z2开发板上复现Yolo_v2神经网络。 首先,利用Vivado HLS 2018.3生成Yolo_v2 IP核,然后在Vivado 2018.3中进行Block Design,最终在PYNQ-Z2上运 …
Design of a YOLO Model Accelerator Based on PYNQ Architecture
To address this problem, a YOLO model accelerator architecture is proposed based on PYNQ. Based on the FPGA hardware platform, the hardware accelerator is designed by making full …
GitHub - sefaburakokcu/finn-quantized-yolo: Low-Precision YOLO on PYNQ ...
This repo contains evaluation and deploy scripts for official LPYOLO: Low Precision YOLO for Face Detection on FPGA paper. Models are trained by Brevitas which is a PyTorch research …
Execute YOLOv3 | YOLO on PYNQ-Z2 - GitBook
It's time to add all the things together and execute the YOLOv3 Neural Network in order to perform inference on a desired image. Previously, we've created a package containing the …
有关YOLO目标检测的FPGA加速教程(一) - CSDN博客
2024年7月4日 · 本文介绍了如何在fpga平台上使用pynq进行yolo目标检测的加速。 首先讲解了开发板内存卡的装配和设置以连接到Pynq,然后详细阐述了如何配置网络使得开发板与笔记本电 …
Deployment on PYNQ-Z2 | YOLO on PYNQ-Z2 - GitBook
Deployment on PYNQ-Z2. On this chapter we will address all the preparation steps to setup the board and how to execute YOLO on the PYNQ-Z2.
Model optimization and compilation | YOLO on PYNQ-Z2 - GitBook
This tool allows to quantize and optimize Deep Learning models and also compile, in other words, transform the quantized model in a binary file so it later can interact with the DPU. Without this …