老外說你basic、情人叫你Bae、朋友說你們是Fam⋯10大英文流行 …
2015年11月18日 · Bae是「Before Anyone Else」或「Before Anything Else」的縮寫,通常被用來稱呼自己的愛人,也可以用來形容自己很喜歡的東西、食物等。 Basic 原意是「基本的、基礎的」,如果用basic形容一個人,是諷刺他在穿著、行為、喜好方面都跟隨一般大眾的潮流,沒有自己的個人特色和想法。 「Rekt」等同於「Wrecked」,有毀壞的意思,形容被徹底的擊垮或擊敗,通常用在線上遊戲中的對話。 想聽懂國外年輕人的日常對話? 想在看影片時更了解他們的幽默? …
Ser youbasic é se vestir com inteligência. Roupas básicas com qualidade superior e caimento perfeito. Descubra hoje a sua youbasic favorita.
"you're so basic"是什么意思? -关于英语 (美国)(英文) | HiNative
Used to describe someone devoid of defining characteristics that might make a person interesting, extraordinary, or just simply worth devoting time or attention to. 2. Lacking intelligence and unable to socialize on even an elementary level. 3. Annoyingly frustrating because of the above. @na_mean probably just used to insult or cause humiliation.
Quiz: How Basic Are You? 100% Honest - Quiz Expo
2024年6月10日 · How basic are you? Take this pop culture, fashion, and social media quiz to find out your basicness stage. Are you a mainstream beeotch or a confident extra?
You're that basic /or/ you're so basic - HiNative
You're that basic /or/ you're so basic 这个在 英语 (美国) 里怎么说? я считаю, что ты должен знать такие простые вещи.
you are basic - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
Common, everyday courtesy, respect, and politeness that is expected and assumed by social convention. Please have the basic decency to at least consult me before you make some extravagant purchase. It is an assumed basic decency that you should help someone if they are in distress. I can't believe she came to the gala when she wasn't even invited.
Basic (slang) - Wikipedia
" Basic " is a slang term in American popular culture, used pejoratively to describe culturally unoriginal people, particularly young women, who are perceived to prefer products, trends, and music that will make them look upper class even though they are not. [1] "
Are you basic? - Personality Quiz - uQuiz.com
Self-explanatory, find out if your basic or not, this will give you a other basic aesthetic too. Please rate at the end according to how much you liked the questions, and how accurate your result was.
How Basic Are You? 2020 Edition - BuzzFeed
2020年6月17日 · How Basic Are You? You own a Hydro Flask. You wear scrunchies. You wear makeup to the gym. You have had a yoga instructor "change your life." You have a fav spin …
BASIC中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
BASIC翻译:基础的,基本的;根本的, 无趣的|单调的, (用于计算机编程的)BASIC 语言。 了解更多。
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