phrases - "I will appreciate your help" - English Language & Usage ...
2011年1月25日 · I would appreciate your help. That is a softer, more polite way of asking. Use of the subjunctive mood indicates that nothing is assumed. It is a shorter way of saying "Should …
"Thank you for your input" 和 "Thank you for your help" 和
Thank you for your inputhelp is more broad than input. Input is used for help with new ideas or a new view, help can mean with ideas but also be very practical. "Thanks for your help" is …
How to politely ask someone "I need your help" [closed]
2016年4月29日 · I would start with a simple: Dear [Mr./Mrs. Name of administrator], Then the best way to phrase it would be to jump right into the question without I need your help, because …
Is it acceptable to drop the comma in "Thanks, John"?
The main difference between lying and not using a comma in "Thanks, John", in your analogy, is that lying is a deliberate act of deception that often has negative consequences for the person …
Compound possessives and yours - English Language & Usage …
2015年9月22日 · Thank you for your and your team's time. is the correct form of the two. In this case, your and your team's both modify time, which implies you are thanking the recipient for …
What would be a formal reply to "I need your help"?
Your answer / reply should be based on your opinion of whether or not you want to help. If this is a trustworthy friend or colleague then your answer may be ... "Sure, what can I help you with?" …
grammaticality - Is "Many thanks" a proper usage? - English …
As Martha says, many thanks is perfectly idiomatic. However, it is indeed an oddly isolated idiom: most other constructions which try to treat thanks as a plural noun are ungrammatical (eg *lots …
Which is correct: "feedback is welcome" or "feedback is welcomed"?
2016年7月19日 · Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site About Us Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, …
"I feel welcome" Vs "I feel welcomed" Is there any ... - HiNative
2019年12月12日 · Show your appreciation in a way that likes and stamps can't. By sending a gift to someone, they will be more likely to answer your questions again! If you post a question …
What is the difference between "I appreciate your help ... - HiNative
2020年4月1日 · Synonym for I appreciate your help in this matter. There is no difference meaning, “in this matter” sounds more formal but “on this matter” might be a little more common. You …