约 4 个结果

English Speaking Areas in KL - Lowyat.NET
2018年9月12日 · Going to relocate from Subang. Which area has the most English speakers in KL?
Gaji 8k should buy what house? - Lowyat.NET
2018年6月26日 · Got 6k left after deducted car loan, still poor but don't want pay rent for others liao, prop price now very cheap, suggest me location pls, don't want city centre …
Hard rock bali hotel charged me RM300 for late - Lowyat.NET
2019年7月21日 · normal checkout time is 12.00pmbut we decided o checkout at 2.00 pmthen we have been charged RM300 for thatwtat da fucki email them "Kindly to inform you that …
Should I buy an inkjet or laser printer? - Lowyat.NET
2019年7月15日 · Idk which one is more economical. It's either inkjet printer with ink reservoir or a monochrome laser printer. Those epson printers seem pretty cheap factoring refill. With …