YT-700 | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The YT-700 was the second model of light freighter in the YT-series produced by the Corellian Engineering Corporation, following the YT-450. It was an undistinguished vessel, and failed to attain any popularity in the galaxy. Unlike all of its successors in the YT …
【星战科普】改变了整个银河系航运业的神话——Y系列的传奇之 …
YT-700型轻型货船是科雷利亚工程公司制造的一种运输星际飞船。 它是YT系列的首批货船之一。 “头奖(Jackpot)号”就是一艘经过高度改装的YT-700。 制造商:科雷利亚工程公司. 长度:21.7米. 武器系统:激光炮. 最高大气内速度:600km/h. 成本:18000信用点. // YT-1000型. YT-1000轻型货船或YT-1000运输船是科雷利亚工程公司生产的货船。 它与它的后继者YT-1300轻型货船有着明显的相似之处。 这是一艘更小的船,有一个顶部安装的驾驶舱。
余姚市亚泰 YT-700型 YT-776L R10K 99.9度 培养箱温控器数显仪表
阿里巴巴余姚市亚泰 YT-700型 YT-776L R10K 99.9度 培养箱温控器数显仪表,其他仪器仪表,这里云集了众多的供应商,采购商,制造商。 这是余姚市亚泰 YT-700型 YT-776L R10K 99.9度 培养箱温控器数显仪表的详细页面。
YT-700 transport - Wookieepedia
The YT-700 was a transport starship manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation. It was one of the first freighters of the YT-series. The Jackpot was a heavily modified YT-700.
YT-700型 恒温干燥箱温控器 烘箱培养箱仪表数显调节仪 余姚亚泰
这是yt-700型 恒温干燥箱温控器 烘箱培养箱仪表数显调节仪 余姚亚泰的详细页面。 是否进口:否,加工定制:否,品牌:余姚亚泰,型号:YT-700型,规格:仪表,仪表+传感器。
YT-series | Wookieepedia | Fandom
The YT-series[8] was a series of light freighters produced by Corellian Engineering Corporation. It was regarded as the height of Corellian engineering genius.[1]
YT-700 Transport | Star Wars: Exodus Visual Encyclopedia | Fandom
The YT-700 Transport was one of the first freighters of the YT series. Because of this, it has been superseded by many newer and better designs, and thus isn't often seen in the galaxy. It is both slow and not very well armed, packing only a single laser cannon mounted in a turret.
下载专区-温控仪丨温控器丨余姚市依泰仪表厂 - cd701.com
二十年行业经验,智能温控器专家! 32段程序段可编程说明书... ...
YT-700电磁阀 - 浙江省超卓自控仪表阀门有限公司
YT-700 电磁阀根据直流或交流电信号来控制阀门开关, 采用防爆型结构。 特 征. 三、YT-700 电磁阀技术参数. 该产品采用专用的O型圈,所以不需另加润滑油。 直流和交流可方便转换 (更换线圈)。 采用缠绕线圈,所以不需使用复位弹簧。 装有手动开关,断电时也可进行动作测试。
YT-700 - SWRPGGM.com
2021年6月2日 · The YT700 was a transport starship manufactured by Corellian Engineering Corporation. It was one of the first freighters of the YT series.