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公司简介 - 久元电子
Home | YoungTek Electronics Corp.
YTEC possesses over 20 years of international quality management certification and over 10 years of quality management system certification in the automotive industry as we fully implement environmental, health, safety, and quality management, improve our work environment, and enhance production quality.
Company Profile - YoungTek Electronics Corp.
The semiconductor OEM service strategy of YTEC is oriented to provide customers with integrated Turn-key Solution services, establishing a complementary and balanced diversified product line to meet PC peripherals, Logic, Mix-Signal, Non-volatile memory, MCU, USB, Analog power management IC, CIS image sensor IC, MEMS, RF communication product ...
IC Tester | Semiconductor - YoungTek Electronics Corp.
YoungTek Electronics was founded in 1991 and started as a semiconductor sawing and IC pick & place back-end OEM business. Over 30 years, YoungTek Electronics has been committed to semiconductor and optoelectronic products back-end OEM services, and invested in the research and development, manufacturing and sales of related production equipment.
Semiconductor OEM Service | YoungTek Electronics Corp.
YTEC provides comprehensive semiconductor backend OEM services, including wafer testing, wafer grinding, sawing and IC pick & place, IC final testing, special substrate sawing, test program development, platform conversion, engineering support, drop shipping and other services, establishing a complementary and balanced diversified product line ...
Organization - YoungTek Electronics Corp.
About YTEC. Company Profile; Business Philosophy; Organization; Management Team; Milestone; Policy and Certification; TPEx information platform
公司資訊 - YTEC
2012年03月 透過轉投資第三地現有之境外公司YTEC Samoa間接投資控股公司Clear Reach Limited以持有朗富科技(深圳)有限公司(簡稱朗富公司)。 2012年05月 辦理公司債轉換股份申請發行新股增資至實收資本額新台幣1,109,065,130元整。
首页 - 久元电子