Yu Dafu - Wikipedia
Yu Wen, better known by his courtesy name Yu Dafu (December 7, 1896 – September 17, 1945) was a modern Chinese short story writer and poet. He was one of the new literary group initiators, and this new literary group was named the Creation Society.
Yu Dafu | Modernist Poet, Novelist, Essayist | Britannica
Yu Dafu (born December 7, 1896, Fuyang, Zhejiang province, China—died September 17, 1945, Sumatra, Dutch East Indies [now in Indonesia]) was a popular short-story writer of the 1920s in China, and one of the founding members of the Creation Society, which was devoted to the promotion of modern literature.
郁達夫 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
郁達夫 (1896年12月7日—1945年9月17日失踪),名 文, 字 達夫, 以字行, 浙江 富陽 人, 中國 近代 小說 家、 散文 家、 詩 人, 创造社 成员。 郁達夫,本名郁文,出生於 浙江省 富陽縣 滿州弄 (今達夫弄)的一個知識分子家庭,三歲喪父,七歲入 私塾。 九歲便能賦詩。 曾先後就讀於 富陽縣立高等小學 、 之江大學 預科,因為参加 学潮 被校方开除。 后就读于 杭府中學,與 徐志摩 、 厉麟似 是同班摯友。 1913年,17岁的郁达夫隨兄長 郁華 赴 日本 留學,初入 名古屋大學 …
郁达夫是新文学团体“ 创造社 ”的发起人之一,一位为抗日救国而殉难的爱国主义作家。 在文学创作的同时,还积极参加各种反帝抗日组织,先后在上海、武汉、福州等地从事抗日救国宣传活动 [5-6]。 1952年, 中华人民共和国中央人民政府 追认郁达夫为 革命烈士。 1983年6月20日, 中华人民共和国民政部 授予其革命烈士证书。 [7-8] 光绪 二十二年(1896年)12月7日,郁达夫出生于 浙江省 富阳市 满州弄(现更名达夫弄)的知识分子家庭。 光绪二十五年(1899年),郁达夫的 …
Yu Dafu - Encyclopedia.com
Yu Dafu's early work, especially "Sinking," generally considered to be his best, continues to generate critical controversy. Its autobiographical foundations and exploration of intimate sexuality arouse outrage, exasperation, or admiration, or all, in the reader.
Yu Dafu - Modern Chinese Short Story Writer and Poet - China Daily
Yu Dafu (郁达夫) (December 7, 1896—September 17, 1945). Born in Fuyang, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, was a modern Chinese short story writer and poet. Yu Dafu's father died at age three, leaving the family poverty-stricken and destitute.
沉淪 (郁達夫) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
清朝末年,一名青年人东渡 日本 求学,周遭的人虽然待他没有异常,但因怀抱身为中国人的自卑感,自为是身为“弱国子民”,暗自怀疑别人心中对他有歧视。 思想压抑,逐渐沉沦下去。 因为对前途迷惘,产生忧郁症,跳海自杀。 故事主角自称支那人。 一名性格相當矛盾的日本留學生因為其早熟的性情而與別人疏離,經常獨來獨往。 雖然他偶爾會渴望能與別人恢復關係,不久後卻又暗暗恨怨他們冷漠,故不時想「復他們的仇」。 在情慾方面,留學生礙於其怯懦而不能與女性溝 …
Yu Dafu - Wikipedia
Yu Dafu, grande scrittore di narrativa cinese tra XIX e XX secolo, si fece strada attraverso le nuove concezioni e idee importate dall'Occidente e le sue opere, perlopiù autobiografiche, non sono che uno scorcio su quella nuova società che si andava delineando.
Yu Dafu
Yu Dafu was a popular short-story writer of the 1920s in China and one of the founding members of the Creation Society, which was devoted to the promotion of modern literature. Yu received his higher education in Japan, where he met other young Chinese writers and together founded the Creation Society in 1921.
Quoting Chinese and foreign poems at the same time highlights the cross-cultural characteristics of YU Dafu's writing techniques, lyrical methods and perception, together with the profound influence of Chinese and Western literary forms and ideology on him.
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