游戏王卡片游戏 决斗怪兽 卡片数据库
您可以在此搜索游戏王卡片并查看详细规则和禁止/限制卡。 您还可以在 我的牌组 中注册和管理自己的卡片和牌组,或搜索已发布的牌组并将其用作构筑自己牌组的参考. 如 何 玩 ? 可检索游戏王所有卡片。 可根据发售日来检索卡片。 可阅览各商品及特典中收录的卡片。 根据商品及发售日刊载各项最新情报。 可检索公开的牌组。 可检索大赛优胜牌组/大赛入围牌组,或是使用了特定的牌组。 可进行示例牌组的上传或查看其他玩家上传的牌组。 推荐用来编辑自己的牌组或是管理自 …
Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME – Official Website
Yu-Gi-Oh! is an exciting universe based on a card game played with Monsters, Spells, and Traps. The Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise includes manga series, television series, several video games, the Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME, and more! This short guide will help you familiarize yourself with some of what Yu-Gi-Oh! has to offer. Learn More About Yu-Gi-Oh!
『遊☆戯☆王』に関するあらゆる情報をどこよりも早くお届けするニュースサイト。 『OCG』の新商品情報、『デュエルリンクス』のアップデート情報、アニメ『遊☆戯☆王SEVENS』の最新情報を公開.
Mitsurugi Decks - Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - YGOPRODeck
Mitsurugi, Ogdoadic, Ragnaraika Mitsurugi Ritual! A list of Mitsurugi Yu-Gi-Oh! decks from the Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database - ygoprodeck.com.
中国国际漫画节动漫游戏展参展确定! Yu-Gi-Oh! New Year Carnival 2023 中国大陆地区活动公告. 第十八届中国国际动漫节游戏王参展确定! 丰富现场活动,恭候各位的到来!
Yugipedia - The most up-to-date Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki in the world
2025年3月11日 · Yugipedia is a free repository on every aspect of the Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise—the card game, anime and manga series, video games, and everything in-between—that anyone can edit. Since May 26, 2005, we've worked hard to bring the most complete and comprehensive database to you, and we're still growing, even 189,155 articles later.
New Solo Mode featuring "Sky Striker Ace" animation is now available! With exclusive animation chapters that can be viewed only in Master Duel! In addition to the animation, you can also explore the stories that lie within the cards, as well as enjoy Duels with a Loaner Deck featuring cards from the archetype! 体验各种规则的活动! 来参加任何人都能充分享受的活动和大赛吧!
卡片检索 | 游戏王卡片游戏 决斗怪兽 卡片数组库
TCG Card Database allows you to search through all Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG cards, search for Deck Recipes, and organize and manage your Decks. The Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG Card Database is an official Konami Site for the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game.
游戏王官网 - yugioh-card-cn.com
New Year Carnival 2023 中国大陆地区活动公告. 第十八届中国国际动漫节游戏王参展确定! 丰富现场活动,恭候各位的到来! 最详尽的官方情报及视频资讯,请关注我们的bilibili官方账号! 最新最热的商品情报及官方活动等相关资讯,请关注我们的新浪微博! 最新最值得关注的官方活动及赛事相关资讯,请使用我们的微信小程序!
《游戏王》系列游戏是根据日本同名漫画和动画改编的卡牌对战游戏,由KONAMI从上个世纪开始发行,历经PS1发展到现在的PS4/XboxOne/PC平台,深受卡牌游戏爱好者喜爱。 《游戏王:Master Duel》将会登陆PS4/PS5/Xbox Series/Xbox One/任天堂Switch/PC(Ste... Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of The Duelist - Link Evolution - 《游戏王》于1999年诞生,在全世界75个国家和地区都备受欢迎。 《游戏王:决斗者遗产-链... Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of The Duelist. 《游戏王:决斗者遗 …