Yubico | YubiKey Strong Two Factor Authentication
Yubico offers the most secure passkey authentication approach that accelerates passwordless and stops account takeovers in their tracks at scale.
Discover YubiKey 5 | Authentication for Secure Login | Yubico
YubiKey 5 Series Multi-protocol security key, eliminate account takeovers with strong two-factor, multi-factor and passwordless authentication, and seamless touch-to-sign. Multi-protocol support allows for strong security for legacy and modern environments.
YubiKey Software Downloads | Yubico
2025年2月19日 · Manage pin codes, configure FIDO2, OTP and PIV functionality, see firmware version and more. Works with any currently supported YubiKey. The safest authenticator app experience across mobile and desktop. Configure your YubiKey for Smart Card applications. Works on all YubiKeys except for the Security Key Series.
YubiKey - Wikipedia
The YubiKey is a hardware authentication device manufactured by Yubico to protect access to computers, networks, and online services that supports one-time passwords (OTP), public-key cryptography, authentication, and the Universal 2nd Factor (U2F) and FIDO2 protocols [1] developed by the FIDO Alliance.
Works with YubiKey Catalog. Find what services are compatible with your YubiKey. The YubiKey 5 Series Comparison Chart. Compare the models of our most popular Series, side-by-side. Shipping and Billing Information. YubiKeys are available worldwide on our web store and through authorized resellers. Spare YubiKeys
YubiKey - Arch Linux 中文维基
YubiKey 是一个小型 USB 安全令牌。 取决于型号不同,它可以: 生成 一次性密码 (OTP)- 基于 AES 的 Yubico 标准. 虽然功能丰富,但新版 YubiKey 并不开源。 其它替代品有 Solo, TKey 和 Nitrokey。 YubiKey Manager — 通过 USB 配置并读取 YubiKey 的 Python 库和命令行工具(ykman)。 带有可选图形界面。 注意: 安装后, 启用 pcscd.service。 警告: 在新的 Arch/python/yubikey-manager 版本上, yubikey-manager-qt 包 已经 完全无法使用,且 …
在 Windows 11/10 中使用 YubiKey 安全登录本地帐户
YubiKey 是一款硬件认证设备,支持一次性密码、公钥加密和认证,以及 通用第二因素 (U2F) 和 FIDO2 由 FIDO 联盟开发的协议。 它允许用户通过发出一次性密码或使用设备生成的基于 FIDO 的公钥/私钥对来安全地登录其帐户。 YubiKey 还允许存储静态密码,以便在不支持一次性密码的站点上使用。 Facebook 使用 YubiKey 作为员工凭证, Google 支持员工和用户使用 YubiKey。 一些密码管理器支持 YubiKey。 Yubico 还生产安全密钥,这是一种与 YubiKey 类似的设备,但专 …
Yubikey 安全密钥折腾记(1):购买、转运与开箱 - Blog
2023年2月2日 · Yubikey 是十分强大的硬件密钥,有点像早期银行的「U 盾」,不仅可以用于账号登陆时的双因素认证(2FA),还能存储 GPG 私钥、生成密码短语等等。 作为信息安全专业的学子,自然是对这玩意垂涎已久,但是其高昂的价格($45 起,国内高于 ¥300)让人望而却步。
Yubico - YubiKey 5Ci - Two-Factor authentication Security Key for ...
YubiKey 5 is our most versatile security key supporting authentication to a wide range of services and applications using not only FIDO protocols but also OTP, OATH and Smart card/PIV. It also comes in additional form factors incl. Lightning and Nano, and can be used with the Yubico Authenticator app.
Yubico - YubiKey 5C NFC - Two-Factor authentication (2FA) …
MULTI-PROTOCOL: YubiKey 5 Series is the most versatile security key supporting multiple authentication protocols including FIDO2/WebAuthn (hardware bound passkey), FIDO U2F, Yubico OTP, OATH-TOTP, OATH-HOTP, Smart card (PIV) and OpenPGP. DURABLE AND RELIABLE: High quality design and resistant to tampering, water, and crushing.
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