Yun Zhou | U-M LSA Sociology - College of LSA | U-M LSA
Yun Zhou is a social demographer and family sociologist. With a theory-driven mixed-methods approach, her research examines social inequality and state-market-family relations through the lens of gender, marriage, and reproduction.
Yun Zhou
Trained as a social demographer, I examine social inequality and state-market-family relations through the lens of gender, marriage, and reproduction. My primary interests include gender, low fertility, authoritarian reproductive governance, union formation, and innovative methods.
Zhou,Yun | Institute for Social Research - University of Michigan
Yun Zhou is a social demographer and family sociologist. With a theory-driven mixed-methods approach, her research examines social inequality and state-market-family relations through the lens of gender, marriage, and reproduction.
Yun Zhou - Google Scholar
Yun Zhou. University of Michigan. Verified email at umich.edu - Homepage. ... Y Zhou. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World 7, 1-15, 2021. 1: 2021: How gendered lived experiences shape sex preference attitudes in contemporary urban China. Y Zhou. Journal of Marriage and Family 87 (1), 365-391, 2025.
YUN ZHOU 500 S State St, LSA 3214 ⋄ Ann Arbor, MI 48109 [email protected] ⋄ http://yunzhousociology.com/ Updated June 2024 ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2019- University of Michigan Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology & International Institute Faculty Associate, Population Studies Center; Center for Chinese Studies;
Yun Zhou | Department of Sociology
laptop_windows Yun Zhou's website (Sociology, May 2017) Thesis Title: Birds of a Feather: Patterns, Heuristics, and Constraints of Cross-Boundary Marriage Sorting
Publications - Yun Zhou
“How Gendered Lived Experiences Shape Sex Preference Attitudes in Contemporary Urban China.” Journal of Marriage and Family. [PDF] 2022. “Gendering the Second Demographic Transition: Gender Asymmetry, Gendered Tension, and Cohabitation in Contemporary Urban China.” China Population and Development Studies. [PDF] 2021.
Research - Yun Zhou
Authoritarian Reproductive Governance after the One-Child Policy. COVID-19 and Authoritarian Politics. Agent-Based Computational Demography. Cross-Boundary Marriage Sorting.
Yun Zhou, PhD, M.Eng, B.Eng
I am a faculty in National University of Defense Technology since June 2016. I received my PhD degree from Risk Information Management Research Group in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Queen Mary, University of London, jointly supervised by Prof. Norman Fenton, Prof. Timothy Hospedales and Prof. Martin Neil.
Yun Zhou | U-M LSA International Institute - University of Michigan
Yun Zhou is a social demographer and family sociologist. With a theory-driven mixed-methods approach, her research examines social inequality through the lens of marriage, family, and reproduction. Zhou's primary interests include gender, fertility, union formation, politics of reproduction, population policy, and innovative methods.