为国内生产钛白粉最早的专业厂家之一, 已有50年生产钛白粉的历史。 早在八十年代,“玉兔”牌钛白粉曾连续三届被评为化工部同类产品标样。 “玉兔”牌商标在国际、国内市场具有较高的知名 …
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Contact Us-Yutu Titanium
Yutu Titanium Contact Us It evolved from the restructuring and development of the original Hengyang Titanium Dioxide Factory, which was established in 1974.
Company Profile-Yutu Titanium
As one of the earliest professional manufacturers of titanium dioxide in China, it has a history of producing titanium dioxide for 50 years. As early as the 1980s, the "Yutu" brand titanium …
YTR808通用型钛白粉-湖南创大玉兔化工有限公司 - hncdyt.cn
YTR808产品采用硫酸法工艺生产的金红石型二氧化钛颜料。 经锆、铝无机包覆及有机物表面处理改性,具有优异的白度、分散性、光泽度、遮盖力、中等耐候性等特性,适用于户内、户外工 …
Yutu Titanium-Titanium dioxide,Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate
As one of the earliest professional manufacturers of titanium dioxide in China, it has a history of producing titanium dioxide for 50 years. As early as the 1980s, the "Yutu" brand titanium …
湖南玉兔钛业新材料有限公司 - 爱企查
爱企查为您提供湖南玉兔钛业新材料有限公司的企业信息查询服务,查询湖南玉兔钛业新材料有限公司工商注册信息、电话邮箱、公司地址、经营风险、控股持股、发展动态、财务状况、股东 …
湖南玉兔钛业新材料有限公司奠基仪式隆重举行-湖南创大玉兔化工 …
项目建成将形成一条完整的“硫钛铁钙”资源综合利用的产业链,为实现工业园区有色金属产业链的强链、延链、补链作出贡献。 同时,也将为我国钛白粉行业发展进步作出新的贡献。 10点38 …
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