Home - Yakima Valley Libraries
1 天前 · Would you like to refine your drawing skills? Join us this Thursday, March 13, 12pm at West Valley Library to learn drawing values, shading, perspective, and measurements and proportion.
Welcome to Yakima Valley Libraries - Yakima Valley Libraries
Welcome to Yakima Valley Libraries! Using your library is free and easy! See below for information on our services, resources, and programs. Para obtener información sobre servicios y recursos en español, haga clic aquí.
Yakima Valley Libraries
Please enter your Library Card number and password. If you need password assistance, contact your library with proof of your identity.
Servicios en Español - Yakima Valley Libraries
Las Bibliotecas del Valle de Yakima ofrecen tarjetas gratuitas a cualquier persona que viva o sea propietaria de una propiedad dentro del condado de Yakima, con la excepción de la ciudad de Grandview (que tiene su propia biblioteca municipal). ¡La primera tarjeta de la biblioteca es gratis! Si necesita una nueva, puede adquirirla por tan sólo $1.00.
e-Resources A-Z - Yakima Valley Libraries
On-Line Information and Learning Resources With your Yakima Valley Libraries Library Card, you have free access to research databases, digital newspapers, consumer information, and more — all available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you’re connecting from home you will need a YVL library card and a password/PIN. If you lost or … Read More
Granger Community Library - Yakima Valley Libraries
The first Granger Library was established in 1914. Contracted with the Library District in 1946, the Library is currently housed in a former church.
Wapato Community Library - Yakima Valley Libraries
In 1906, The Wapato Public Library began in the Hub Mercantile Company. It was moved into a former bank building in downtown Wapato in 1999, annexing to Yakima Valley Regional Library in 2000.
Naches Community Library - Yakima Valley Libraries
Opened on November 8, 1947 in a corner of City Hall, the Naches Community Library moved to its present location in 1960. Parking: You may park anywhere in the lot in front of the library.
Sunnyside Community Library - Yakima Valley Libraries
Originally built in 1911 with funds from the Carnegie Library Grants, Sunnyside became affiliated with the Yakima Valley Regional Library in 1956.
Get a Library Account - Yakima Valley Libraries
Yakima Valley Libraries offers free library cards to anyone who lives or owns property within Yakima County with the exception of the City of Grandview (which has its own city library). Non-county residents, as well as City of Grandview residents, may purchase a YVL Library Card at the non-resident rate (see below for more information). … Read More