RS485 USB Converter Adapter CH340 (YYH 256) - Pakluck {Try …
Controlling / Communicating with RS-485 devices from your PC has never been easier! This device is plug-and-play. It shows up as a serial/com port and is accessible from applications or hyper-terminal. This converter provides half-duplex RS-485 communication. The Baud rate range is 75 bps to 115200 bps, maximum up to 6 Mbps.
Finding the culprit | Details - Hackaday.io
2019年9月8日 · The PCB of the board has YYH-256 stamped on the back. The circuit appears to be simple enough: It's based on a CH340G, the venerable Chinese USB RS232 interface chip. Has a full set of hardware handshake signals that potentially could be used for switching between Rx and Tx mode. Potentially, because there is no documentation whatsoever.
USB转485模块 - 硬创社 - JLC
本模块为USB转485模块,用来传输485数据到电脑设备. 本模块可用于任何需要接收485数据的场合,将485数据传输到电脑,进行接收处理。 本模块通过CH340将USB数据转成串口数据,随后采用485芯片将串口数据转成485发出,此数据传输过程可逆,USB接口采用的是方口USB,485采用端子,用于连接两线。 其中板载终端电阻切换用来连接或者断开终端电阻。 四、产品参数. 供电方式:USB供电. 供电电压:5V. 输入信号:USB数据. 输出方式:RS485. 功能:可采用跳线帽 …
CH340 USB To RS485 Converter - DEVOBOX
40 holes, single row, break away female header with swiss round machined pins. Features: Side Notched Strips for Breaking 2.54mm Centered Female Color: Black. Pinout for standard SOIC 8 SMD Parts. Compatible with breadboards.
China Fake usb Rs485 - Mikrocontroller.net
2021年5月23日 · Ich habe noch welche im großteils YYH-256 Layout aber eben mit ausgetauschtem CH340. Dürfte eine andere Mikrocontrollerimplementierung sein. Selbige ICs kommen auch auf ESP32 Programmern vor.
USB to RS485 Converter Adapter - Components101
2021年7月9日 · USB to RS485 Converter Adapter Driver provides an easy-to-use RS485 Interface by adding a Virtual COM Port to a PC.
Project | MODBUS Things with STM8 eForth | Hackaday.io
The PCB of the board has YYH-256 stamped on the back. The circuit appears to be simple enough: It's based on a CH340G, the venerable Chinese USB RS232 interface chip. Has a full set of hardware handshake signals that potentially could be used for switching between Rx and Tx mode. Potentially, because there is no documentation whatsoever.
USB转RS485/RS422接线说明 - CSDN博客
2022年4月2日 · rs485转usb模块有5个接口,只需要将ab接口和压力变送器引出线的ab接口相连就行了,然后usb端接在电脑usb口上,下载一个驱动,就可以在电脑的设备管理器上看到这个端口了。这里看到,然后需要配置好自己的mysql,另外还要了解自己所用传感器的协议,我用的压力变送器协议是这样的(下图)。
USB与485互转 - 硬创社 - JLC
1.产品简介: 这 一款通用的USB/RS-485转换器,无需外加电源、兼容USB、RS-485标准。 2.应用场景:现代工控领域最广泛的应该莫过于RS232、RS485,所以工控都会用到。 3.产品概 …
CH340 USB to RS485 Converter - Art of Circuits
This USB to RS485 converter use the high performance CH340 chipset and is compatible with all the latest operating systems. Can be used for communication with PLCs , Sensors and MODBUS device. CH340 USB to RS485 Converter in Pakistan, USB to RS485 Serial Converter in Pakistan.
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