ZU-23-2 - Wikipedia
The ZU-23-2, also known as ZU-23, is a Soviet towed 23×152mm anti-aircraft twin-barreled autocannon. ZU stands for Zenitnaya Ustanovka (Russian: Зенитная Установка) – anti-aircraft mount. The GRAU index is 2A13. [6] The ZU-23-2 was developed in the late 1950s.
ZU-23-2雙管高射炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZU-23-2(2A13)是在一台小型拖車上安裝了兩門2A14 23毫米 高射 機炮,它亦可以轉換成固定炮架狀態以進行實彈機炮射擊。 而在這個狀態以下, 車輪會被移到一旁。 該機炮可以在30秒內於行軍狀態以下準備射擊,以及在緊急情況以下可於行進狀態時射擊。
ZSU-23-4 Shilka - Wikipedia
The ZSU-23-4 " Shilka " is a lightly armored Soviet self-propelled, radar -guided anti-aircraft weapon system (SPAAG). It was superseded by the 2K22 Tunguska (SA-19 Grison).
ZU-23-2 - Army Recognition
2025年1月9日 · The ZU-23-2 is a highly versatile, twin-barreled, towed anti-aircraft gun developed by the Soviet Union in the late 1950s. Designed primarily to provide low-altitude air defense, the system is helpful against lightly armored ground targets and infantry.
ZU-23-2式高射炮 - 百度百科
ZU-23-2 式高射炮是前苏联的一种双管 23 毫米高射炮,另有ZSU-23-2、ZSU-23-4自走式高炮。 (ZSU-23-4为4管) 该炮于 50 年代设计、试制,60 年代初定型和投入生产,主要装备前苏军 摩托化步兵师 和坦克师属高射炮团及伞兵团高射炮连。 印度引进后,主要用于进行防空作战,也可用于攻击地面装甲目标。 ①火炮的供弹、击发、退壳动作全部自动进行的,因而有较高的射速。 ②结构简单,维修方便,在战斗中更换身管只需 20 秒钟即可完成。 ③越野机动性能较好, …
ZU-23-2 / ZU-23 Towed Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) - Military Factory
2022年2月26日 · At its core, the ZU-23-2 is intended to combat low-flying enemy aircraft as well as light-armored vehicles - the latter if required. The standard operating crew is typically six personnel though extreme circumstances can see the …
ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft gun | Moderate for air defence, perfect for ...
We are investigating the ZU-23-2, the most influential Russian twin-barrel anti-aircraft gun. #zu23 #antiaircraftgun #23mm Why did the Soviet Army need a new light 23mm anti-aircraft gun? Why...
ZU-23-2 | Weaponsystems.net
The ZU-23 is a towed 23mm twin barrel light anti-aircraft gun. It is one of the most widely employed type of anti-aircraft guns in the world. The design took place in the Soviet Union in the mid 1950's and it was accepted for service in the early 1960's. It …
Introduced in 1962, the ZU-23 is the Soviets' newest lightweight, automatic, towed AA gun. It is used extensively by airborne units and possibly by some MRRs that have not yet converted to the defense battery.
ZU-23 (2A13) - Army Guide
The ZU-23 consists from twin 2A14 Guns, light carriage mount based on two wheel chassis, ZAP-23 automatic anti-aircraft sight, and additional sight used to fire at the ground targets.