Why $\\mathbb{Z}_p^*$ is a cyclic group? - Mathematics Stack …
that group, assuming you view the set as a subset of Z_p, is guaranteed to be cyclic if p is prime. Otherwise, it may or may not be. More generally, any finite subgroup of the multiplicative …
What differences are there between $\\mathbb Z_p$ and …
I read some books about finite fields, sometimes the author refers to the finite field $\mathbb {F}_p$ and sometimes to the finite cyclic group $\mathbb Z_p$. What is the difference …
Dimension of $R$ over $Z_p$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2013年10月20日 · With the usual addition, R R cannot be a vector space over Z/pZ Z / p Z, because every vector space over this field is a torsion group, precisely an elementary abelian …
order of elements in $\\mathbb{Z}_p^*$ with $p$ prime
2018年5月5日 · I have a small question, is there a theorem about the order of the elements in the multiplicative group Z∗ p Z p ∗ when p p is prime? I'm looking into the reduction of order finding …
Topology on $\\mathbf{Z}_p$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年1月22日 · The operations (sum and product) are continuous in the various Z/pnZ Z / p n Z as these rings have the discrete topology, so that the "compositions" of operations of Zp Z p …
A proof for $\\widehat{\\Bbb Z_{p^\\infty}}\\cong Z_p$
According to wikipedia, the Pontryagin dual of a Prüfer group is isomorphic to a group of p-adic integers. Where can I find a proof for it on the internet?
abstract algebra - Ring of $p$-adic integers $\mathbb Z_p ...
There are a few ways to define the p p -adic numbers. If one defines the ring of p p -adic integers Zp Z p as the inverse limit of the sequence (An,ϕn) (A n, ϕ n) with An:= Z/pnZ A n:= Z / p n Z …
Is completion of $Z_p$ ramified extenison necessarily perfectoid
2025年1月9日 · No, the completion of a totally ramified Zp -extension does not need to be perfectoid in general. The extension needs to be ramified in a stronger sense, ensuring that …
Generators in group $Z^*_ {p}$ - Mathematics Stack Exchange
2015年7月28日 · show that g = 2 g = 2 is a generator of group Z∗19 Z 19 ∗ Can anyone explain me how i can show in this example and generally that an element is a generator in a group?
ring theory - $Z_p [i]$ is a field? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
It is a field if x2 + 1 x 2 + 1 is irreducible in Z/pZ Z / p Z. Because the degree of x2 + 1 x 2 + 1 is two, this is exactly the case when x2 ≡ −1 mod p x 2 ≡ − 1 mod p has no solution.