直-15 - 百度百科
z-15采用五叶片弹性主旋翼和三叶片 尾桨 。 其主变速箱将包括两个附件变速箱,并撤销 离合器 ,从而降低了 辅助动力装置 (APU)的成本和重量。 根据具体配置,Z-15最多能够搭载16名 …
IBM z15 - Wikipedia
The z15 is a microprocessor made by IBM for their z15 mainframe computers, announced on September 12, 2019. [2] A single-frame IBM z15 mainframe. Larger capacity models can have …
Z-15埃里希·施泰因布林克号驱逐舰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Z-15“埃里希·施泰因布林克”号 (德語: Z 15 Erich Steinbrinck)是 德国国家海军 暨 战争海军 于1930年代中期建造的十六艘 1934级 驱逐舰 之一,得名于在 一战 中阵亡的 V-29号 鱼雷艇 艇 …
Z15 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2024年1月31日 · z15或z-15可以指: 直-15,空中客车直升机h175的编号; z-15埃里希·施泰因布林克号驱逐舰,德国驱逐舰; z15/16次列车,北京至哈尔滨之间的直达特快列车; ibm z15,ibm …
乌克兰国产UAR-15(Z-15)突击步枪简介 - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
UAR-15突击步枪,原名Z-15步枪(Zbroyar Z-15 automatic rifle),是乌克兰私营武器制造商Zbroyar公司设计,乌克兰私营企业“UKROP”有限责任公司代理生产的一种轻武器。 该枪最初 …
IBM z15 | IBM Redbooks
2020年8月17日 · More than any other platform, the z15 offers a high-value architecture that can give you the cloud you want with the privacy and security you need. From the hundreds of …
China-France developed Z-15 helicopter receives qualification ...
2022年7月26日 · Civil Aviation Administration of China on Tuesday awarded a qualification certificate to the Z-15, a medium-sized, multipurpose helicopter also known as the AC352, …
IWI US Zion Z-15 Rifle .223/5.56 - 16" - Black - Primary Arms
The IWI US Zion Z-15 AR-15 Rifle in .223/5.56 is engineered for exceptional performance and reliability. Featuring a robust black finish, this rifle includes a 16-inch barrel that offers an ideal …
IBM z15 (8561) Technical Guide - IBM Redbooks
2020年1月17日 · This IBM® Redbooks® publication describes the features and functions the latest member of the IBM Z® platform, the IBM z15™ (machine type 8561). It includes …
IWI US ZION Z-15 Semi Automatic Rifle - MidwayUSA
The Zion-15 series of rifles, carbines, and SBRs are a no-nonsense approach to a modern duty grade AR-15. The series features accurate free floated 1:8 twist barrels, M-LOK handguards, …