Z-Mech - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki
Z-Mech is a recurring character within the Plants vs. Zombies franchise. Originally just the name for the machine Imps use in the shooter series, the name has been used elsewhere in …
Z-Mech - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom
Z-Mech is a zombie that can only be found in Arena and Penny's Pursuit in Plants vs. Zombies 2. He will advance to the 7th column while in an invulnerable force field, and, when spawned, will …
Z-Mech ( Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 )
Z-Mech is a playable zombie class in Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 as an alternate form for Imp. Z-Mech built with Z-Tech. Massive size, massive health, and massive damage are at …
Z机甲 - 百度百科
Z-机甲是《植物大战僵尸2》竞技场中的强力僵尸角色。 他装备着坚不可摧的力场和机甲套装,能直接前进至第七纵队并摧毁路径上的植物。 到达指定位置后,Z-机甲能召唤喷射器僵尸或宇 …
小僵尸与Z机甲 - 百度百科
小僵尸与Z机甲(Imp & Z-Mech)是射击类游戏《植物大战僵尸:花园战争2》中的僵尸角色 [1]。 使用了非法的未来对接技术,小僵尸与他的Z机甲可能是Zomburbia之战的制胜关键。 不过别 …
Z-Mech - Plants vs. Zombies: Reflourished Wiki
Z-Mech is the third miniboss zombie encountered in Holiday Mashup, fought at Day 24. He can teleport zombies across the lawn and summon Impfinity Clones and Rustbolts. Z-Mech has …
Z-机甲 - PVZ百科 - 植物大战僵尸百科
Z-机甲是一个只能在植物大战僵尸2中的竞技场中找到的僵尸 。 他将在一个无懈可击的力场中前进到第7纵队,当它产生时会用他的机甲套装粉碎他所在的任何植物 。 在到达第7列之后,他将 …
Z-Mech - VS Battles Wiki
Once watched giant mecha anime for 12 hours straight. Meet Imp, the smallest of the zombies, and his massive secret weapon – Z-Mech. Built with Z-Tech, this duo is down to do some …
PvZ2:Z机甲 | 植物大战僵尸百科 | Fandom
Z机甲 是 植物大战僵尸2 中的僵尸。 Deploys a set of summoning and teleportation technologies to harass, damage and otherwise imperil plants on the board. s taking time out from his PvZ …
Z-Mech - Plants vs. Zombies Wiki | Fandom
Z-Mech is a zombie hero in Plants vs. Zombies Heroes and the leader of the Hearty and Crazy classes. His signature superpower is Missile Madness, which does 3 damage to a selected …