Nissan 300ZX - Wikipedia
The first generation 300ZX known as the Z31 model was produced from 1983 through 1989 and was a sales success becoming the highest volume Z-car for Nissan. To become even more competitive in the sports car market, the second generation 300ZX was driven up-market.
Nissan Z31 300ZX For Sale - BaT Auctions - Bring a Trailer
Browse and bid online for the chance to own a Nissan Z31 300ZX at auction with Bring a Trailer, the home of the best vintage and classic cars online.
80s Authentic Ad Nissan FAIRLADY Z Mk3 Z31 , bumper 300zx s30 …
Jan 20, 2025 · Ad looks great framed! Looks to be in very good shape with no creases or tears on the image. Overall great product. Packaged well and fast shipping.
流落街头到满血重生 这部不为人知的特殊Z31什么来头_懂车帝
Aug 17, 2021 · 虽说Z31是不太受“待见”的一代Z,但根据引擎、配置的不同,Z31的型号细分非常丰富,让客户们拥有更多选择,因此当年销量颇为可观。 来自美国科罗拉多州的Alex Millward就是位狂热Z31粉丝,他的第一辆车是黑色1989款Z31 Turbo,而后逐渐收集了84款50周年纪念版、88款Shiro特别版等珍贵型号。 Alex还喜爱收集关于Z31的各种玩具和模型,从风火轮到大比例RC,他的收藏阵容绝对令人敬佩。 他甚至还亲手打造了两台Z31卡丁车,座舱足以容纳一名 …
1985 Nissan 300ZX Z31 Brochure - Pinterest
Explore the vintage 1985 Nissan 300ZX Z31 brochure, featuring sleek design and performance details. Dive into the history of this classic Nissan model.
Nissan 300ZX Z31 (1984-1989) - MotoFaction
The Nissan 300ZX was an evolution of the line that began with the 240Z in 1969, and was designated “Z31”. It was the first Nissan Z car to use a V6 motor rather than an inline 6, and had the first all-new chassis since the original 240Z.
[Z31]贴吧热议LOL选手Sneaky下海 - 哔哩哔哩
Z31 - 舰R百科,玩家自由编辑的战舰少女R百科
1月28日凌晨,小队沿挪威海岸航行时,被英国巡洋舰王冠号(HMS Diadem)和毛里求斯号(HMS Mauritius)拦截。Z31在战斗中严重受损,双联装主炮被摧毁,但是小队凭借航速上的优势脱离了战斗。 维修期间,作为临时措施,Z31的前炮塔被替换为单装10.5厘米高射炮。
VQ35 swap for '85 z31 - Nissan Forum | Nissan Forums
Mar 6, 2007 · i'm new here and was wondering if anyone has heard of a vq35 swap in a z31. i have been thinking about doing it and was hoping for advise. if you know anyone who has done it or anything about it please email me at [email protected]. i have pretty much decided that that is wht i want but need to know what all i will need to get started. i know i ...
Z31/34、Z32/33次列车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Z31/34、Z32/33次列车 是 中国铁路 目前运行于 湖北 省会 武汉 和 浙江 副省级城市 宁波 之间的 直达特快旅客列车,自2007年4月18日起开行,由 武汉铁路局 武汉客运段直达车间负责客运任务,是宁波开行的首趟 直达特快列车。 列车使用 25T型客车,沿 武九铁路 、 衢九铁路 、 沪昆铁路 、 萧甬铁路 运行,途径 湖北 、 江西 、 浙江 三省,全程994公里。 其中 武昌站 至 宁波站 运行9小时31分,使用车次为 Z31/34次,宁波站至武昌站运行9小时54分,使用车次为 Z32/33 …