【简森巴顿de车辆百科】宝马Z4 GT3 - 哔哩哔哩
Z4 GT3是宝马于2010年推出的一款GT3赛车,基于Z4 (E89)打造。 Z4 GT3在2010年的版本与后来的车型有些不同,主要是宝马在2011年对该车进行了全面的升级。 Z4 GT3的引擎为宝马P65 90度夹角V8发动机,在2010年时,该车使用的是宝马M3 GT2赛车上搭载的版本,排量为4.0升,可以输出480马力,而2011年升级后使用的是基于宝马M3 (E92)打造的排量为4.4升的版本,可以输出515马力,变速箱为6档半自动序列式,动力由后轮输出。
宝马z4 gt3(宝马z4 gt3性能和外观改装介绍) - 懂车帝
2023年8月15日 · 宝马Z4 GT3作为一款专为赛道而生的跑车,性能表现异常出色。 以下是其主要性能特点: 1. 引擎动力. Z4 GT3搭载了高性能的涡轮增压发动机,能够产生强大的马力和扭矩输出。 这使得它在赛道上能够迸发出惊人的加速力和动力表现。 2. 悬挂系统. 为了应对高速赛道的挑战,Z4 GT3配备了先进的悬挂系统,提供卓越的操控性能和稳定性。 这使得车辆在弯道和直线上都能够保持出色的驾驶性能。 3. 制动系统. 为了确保高速驾驶时的安全性,Z4 GT3配备了高性 …
BMW Z4 GTE - Wikipedia
The Z4 GTE uses the Z4 body and the same 4.4-litre V8 engine as the GT3 car. The drivetrain and gearbox are much the same in the two different types of Z4. The engine in the GT3 version produces around 500 horsepower, likewise in the GTE version, but the RPM limits are 9000, and 7500, respectively.
BMW Z4敞篷跑车:配置表- BMW中国- BMW Z4敞篷跑车配置表
BMW中国为您提供BMW Z4敞篷跑车参数配置信息,涵盖BMW Z4敞篷跑车操控系统、内饰、安全装备、发动机等配置表详情信息,为您选购BMW Z4敞篷跑车提供参考。
BMW Z4敞篷跑车 - 宝马中国
源自赛车3D网状设计的BMW双肾型进气格栅,传达独树一帜的个性风格,彰显独到运动特质。 富有攻击性的修长车头,让车身轮廓更具吸引力。 后轮拱上方鲜明的线条营造出充满吸引力的车身轮廓,力量感全自动软顶与之和谐融合。 前倾的鲨鱼腮侧通风口可有效减小车轮拱罩周围的空气动力学阻力,令运动气质不彰自显。 纤细犀利的尾灯造型与前脸遥相呼应,扰流板与排气尾管一同勾勒出富有肌肉感的车尾,充分彰显运动特质,让力量感由车头延续至车尾。 门板内侧的翼形线 …
BMW Z4 (E89) - Wikipedia
Z4 GT3. The Z4 GT3 was an FIA GT3-specification model available to private teams. [59] It is powered by the P65B44 V8 engine [60] based on the production engine used in the E92 M3 and generates a power output of 384 kW (522 PS; 515 hp). [61] The weight of the Z4 GT3 is approximately 1,190 kg (2,624 lb).
BMW Z4 GT3 E89 V10 - vad-design
We fit our GT3 carbon fibre aero kit, our bespoke custom manufactured Bilstein Coilover suspension, bespoke exhaust in either stainless or titanium with a choice of V8 engine LS3 KR550 HP or if budget allows our mighty fully built KR680HP LS7 V8.
The modified BMW Z4 GT3 has survived its baptism of fire: the GT customer sports car proved itself in a series of intensive tests in recent weeks. The goal of the latest modifications was primarily to improve aerodynamic efficiency in order to ensure the car's competitiveness in the many, hard-fought GT3 classes.
BMW Z4 GT3 V8 | For Sale - vad-design
with a UK MOT and current road tax, this is the only street legal Z4 GT3 V8 build in the UK using a genuine authentic BMW Motorsport dry carbon.
Racecarsdirect.com - BMW Z4 GT3
BMW Z4 GT3 - Chassis Number 1043. Based on the E89 road going Z4 the GT3 version (Homologation number GT3-023) was built by BMW Motorsport. This particular Chassis, 1043, was campaigned by Schubert Motorsport in 2013. The car features the BMW P65B44 V8 4361ccm engine and is one of the best sounding GT3 cars ever built.