V-Link - ZF
V-links support longitudinal and lateral loads and, in combination with two trailing links/torque rods, assume all axle control functions. V-links are used primarily with heavily loaded rear axles, for instance in semi-trailer tractors or flatbed vehicles with twin axle assemblies. Our optimization has resulted in V-links with reduced weight.
4-Point Link - ZF
The 4-point link integrates the functions previously performed separately by the V-link and the stabilizer bar, and fulfills all of the familiar roll stabilization requirements. Axle control is ensured even in extreme driving conditions, ground clearance is improved considerably in comparison to previously existing systems, and the weight of ...
Suspension Rear Twin Axle - ZF
The 4-point link is responsible for locating the non-driven leading axle with its weight-optimized hollow-cast design. The live rear axle features a stabilizer link with new polygon joining technology: Together with a lightweight aluminum v-link and a spring bellows carrier, it takes over both the axle guidance and the vertical axle load support
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Homepage ZF Friedrichshafen AG - ZF
ZF is a global technology company supplying advanced mobility products and systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial technology. Its comprehensive product range is primarily aimed at vehicle manufacturers, mobility providers and start-up companies in the fields of transportation and mobility.
多连杆悬架系统介绍 - ZF Aftermarket - ZF Friedrichshafen
悬架系统的主要作用是保持车轮与路面接触,并且隔离振动,使坑洼不平的路面对底盘造成的振动不至于传递到驾驶室。 在车辆行驶过程中,悬架暴露在以下环境中: 前车轴独立悬架分为三种基本类型: 这三种方案每种都能衍生出多种设计类型。 麦弗逊悬架的构造相对简单,因此最为常用。 但是,这种类型具有若干局限性。 比如,在主销内倾角和车轮外倾角的设置上空间有限或者说灵活度不够。 麦弗逊悬架的这些设计局限使汽车制造商越来越倾向于使用多连杆式悬架系统。 尤其 …
ZF Friedrichshafen AG Division Industrial Technology Business Unit Off-Highway Systems 94034 Passau Germany. Contact us
V-Link - ZF
2024-nov.-07 V-Link. V-Link. Fazendo o download você reconhece e aceita os Termos de Uso da ZF.
Steering and Chassis Parts - ZF Aftermarket - ZF Friedrichshafen
LEMFÖRDER V-links for commercial vehicles, trucks and buses – also known as wishbones or v-rods – are maintenance-free and robust. The new developped weight-reduced versions allow higher payloads for commercial vehicles.
买 Zf 之前你应该知道的那些事(也许) - 原创分享(新) - Chiphell
2023年11月6日 · 到我收的ZF不管是视频还是拍照,热量都在很正常的范围,且不会湿手,比起 x1d2好太多,至少不会影响拍摄心情的正常温度表现,而大V 在哈苏视频里却从未提及温度过高的问题,路转黑!
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