苏联/俄罗斯 ЗиЛ(ZIL)—4331系列载重汽车 - 哔哩哔哩
今天讲讲ZIL-4331。 ZIL-4331实际上可以算是ZIL-130的替代品,而且它的本质实际上是经过几轮改进之后定型的ZIL-169(以下车型都和利哈乔夫汽车厂有关,所以直接用型号数字表示)。
ZIL-4331 - specifications, modifications, photos, videos, overview
Modern replacement for the legendary ZIL-130 truck. Designed to special order models “4331” have a wide range of features, but not without disadvantages that everyone has. The plant had Likhachev in this version presented the first diesel truck produced by Russia. The The whole model range is ZIL.
ЗиЛ(ZIL)-4331的原型车——苏联ЗиЛ-169系列载重汽车开发始 …
ZIL -4331, ZIL-4333, ZIL-5343, ZIL-133, ZIL-4334 - SovAvto
2002年2月10日 · These vehicles, although with different engines, clearly form a closely related family. They, in fact, replaced the previous ZIL-130 (4 X 2) and ZIL-131 (6 X 6) models. Lets look at these trucks in more detail. ZIL-4331 was first developed in 1980, while ZIL-130 was still at the height of its production.
ZIL-4331 | Autopedia | Fandom
The ЗИЛ-4331 is a Soviet and Russian heavy-duty truck of the fourth (after- Fiat 10 HP light truck, Fiat 12 HP light truck, Fiat 24-32 HP light truck, Fiat 28-40 HP light truck, AMO Ф-15, AMO-2, AMO-3, ЗИC-5, ЗИC-5V, ЗИC-15, ЗИC-150, ЗИЛ-164, ЗИЛ-130 (1962-1977), and ЗИЛ-130 (1977–1988))-generation family, produced at the ...
List of ZiL vehicles - Wikipedia
A ZIL-41044 This is a list of vehicles designed called ZiL, a Russian maker of passenger cars, trucks, and military vehicles.
ЗИЛ-4331 — Википедия
ЗИЛ-4331 — советский и российский среднетоннажный грузовой автомобиль семейства четвёртого (после- АМО-Ф-15, АМО-2, АМО-3, ЗИС-5, ЗИС-5V, ЗИС-15, ЗИС-150, ЗИЛ-164, и ЗИЛ-130) поколения, производившийся на Заводе имени Лихачёва. Сменил семейство моделей предыдущего поколения ЗИЛ-130 (431410) (впрочем, вне ЗИЛ-130 продолжал выпускаться до 2010 года).
2006 ZIL 4331 6.0 MT - POV TEST DRIVE - YouTube
ZIL 4331 with 150 hp first-person test drive on Russian roads. Have a nice trip!🛣️ #zil4331 #zilok #fpdriving...more
ZIL-4331 - 3D model by SanderWolf (@SanderWolf_) [54a3eb4]
2023年11月26日 · ZIL-4331 is a Soviet and Russian medium-tonnage truck of the fourth generation family, produced at the Likhachev Plant. Replaced the family of models of the previous generation ZIL-130 (431410) (however, outside the ZIL-130 continued to be produced until 2012). Starting from this generation, ZIL transferred its cars to work on diesel fuel.
ZIL-4331 - Βικιπαίδεια
Το ZIL-4331 ήταν μια γκάμα επαγγελματικών οχημάτων που παράχθηκε από την ZIL από το 1987 μέχρι το 2015. Παρουσιάστηκε ως ο διάδοχος του ZIL-130 αλλά πρακτικά δεν ήταν τίποτα άλλο από μια έκδοση του προηγούμενου φορτηγού με νέο αμάξωμα. Τα πρώτα πρωτότυπά του οχήματος παράχθηκαν την δεκαετία του 1970 με το όνομα ZIL-169.