ZIL to USD: Convert Zilliqa to US Dollar | Coinbase
4 天之前 · You can use our ZIL to USD calculator at the top of this page to convert any amount of ZIL to USD. We've also created a couple of quick reference tables for the most popular conversions. For example, 5 USD is equivalent to 421.39 ZIL. Inversely, 5 …
ZIL to USD: Zilliqa Price in US Dollar - CoinGecko
The conversion rate of Zilliqa (ZIL) to USD is $0.01172 for every 1 ZIL. This means you can exchange 5 ZIL for $0.058576 or $50.00 for 4267.93 ZIL, excluding fees. Refer to our conversion tables for popular ZIL trading amounts in their corresponding USD prices and vice versa.
Zilliqa price today, ZIL to USD live price, marketcap and chart ...
The live Zilliqa price today is $0.01229 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $12,443,509.69 USD. We update our ZIL to USD price in real-time.
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Zilliqa价格:ZIL价格图表、市值与今日新闻 - CoinGecko
Zilliqa (ZIL) 的市值为 BTC2,902.4054 ,今日在CoinGecko上排名#232。市值是通过代币价格乘以ZIL代币流通量(今日市场上可交易的19.66 十亿代币)所得的数值。 市值是通过代币价格乘以ZIL代币流通量(今日市场上可交易的19.66 十亿代币)所得的数值。
ZIL is the native token for the Zilliqa blockchain. Staking is an eco-friendly way to earn rewards and power the network. Access financial products and services in an open, transparent financial marketplace. Create, discover and collect with the latest NFT marketplaces, and unlock new revenue streams through the creator economy.
1950年8月至1953年第一季度,ZIS-150配备了全新的全金属驾驶室。 自1949年10月开始,全金属ZIS-160驾驶室逐步替代了先前金属与木板混合的ZIS-161驾驶室。 尽管工厂中仍存有不少ZIS-161驾驶室,但两种型号最终还是实现了混装。 此外,ZIS-150车门下方的脚踏板和后窗保护装置在这一时期也进行了升级,分别换成了全金属材质和金属网。 同时,车内还新增了照明灯设施。 直至1949年9月5日,库存的木质-金属驾驶室才全部清空。 同年夏季,车内座垫的木质框架被 …
Zilliqa Price: ZIL Live Price Chart, Market Cap & News Today
Track the latest Zilliqa price, market cap, trading volume, news and more with CoinGecko's live ZIL price chart and popular cryptocurrency price tracker. 📊 Now LIVE: State of Crypto Perpetuals Market 2024 Report
转换 ZIL 到 BHD | Zilliqa 兑换 Bahraini Dinar 转换器 | 欧易 - OKX
2025年2月20日 · 使用欧易 ZIL 到 BHD 转换器立即将 Zilliqa 转换为 Bahraini Dinar 。实时查看价值,无费用,并提供最新的市场数据!
- 评论数: 3
苏联ZIL—130系列载重汽车(重制版) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
130是一种由莫斯科利哈乔夫汽车厂开发的中型卡车,也是苏联产量最大的卡车车型之一(差不多340万台),在军事和民用领域都应用广泛,同时也大量出口。 按照载重量划分,130属于中型卡车,介于GAZ-53系列(载重量比较小)和YaAZ系列等(载重量比较大)之间。 从1986年开始,130改称431410。 最开始130是准备替代ZIS-150的,它的研发工作在1953年就开始了。 总设计师是Anatoly Kirinevich Krieger,主要设计师是Georgie Festa,最终由T.P. Kiseleva决定定 …
Zilliqa USD (ZIL-USD)
Find the latest Zilliqa USD (ZIL-USD) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.