ZiL-158 - Wikipedia
ZIL-158 was the main bus model of city bus fleets of the Soviet Union in the 1960s and early 1970s. More than 62,350 were assembled. The assembly was carried out until the end of 1969. The most recent 158s arrived in Moscow in February 1970 to the 10-bus fleet.
ZIL-118 - Wikipedia
The ZIL-118 Yunost ("Youth") is a microbus built by Zavod imeni Likhachova (Russian: Завод имени Лихачёва, Factory named for Likhacov), or ZIL. Based on the ZIL-111 limousine, the ZIL-118 Yunost was developed in 1961, [1] on the factory's own initiative. [2] It was available in two versions, the microbus 118 and the ambulance ...
List of ZiL vehicles - Wikipedia
ZiL has produced armored cars for most Soviet leaders, as well as buses, armoured fighting vehicles, and aerosani.
比劳斯莱斯还尊贵的车?——吉尔(上) - 百家号
2024年9月29日 · 在动力方面,ZIL-111搭载了6.0L V8发动机,拥有200匹马力的强劲动力,并配备了两档自动变速箱,使其最高时速可达170公里/小时。 内饰方面,吉尔同样不遗余力地追求奢华与舒适,采用了优质皮革和阔布进行装饰,并配备了厚实的绒地毯和精致的抛光木制配件。 从1958年至1967年,ZIL-111在生产过程中不断进行优化和改进,推出了多个版本。 除了基础版ZIL-111外,还有配备了空调的ZIL-111A、敞篷版的ZIL-111V以及拥有四头灯和宽镀铬格栅的ZIL …
ZIL-118 Yunost: Soviet minibus, technical characteristics, design ...
Created in the early 60s, the ZIL-118 bus was based on the technical solutions included in the then newest ZIL-111 limousine. The car received a futuristic appearance with a panoramic windshield and additional transparent inserts in the roof slopes.
ZIS-8 Bus (1934-1938) - Motor Car History
The ZIS-8, (Russian ЗИС-8), was a bus of the Soviet manufacturer Savod imeni Stalina (ZIS) in the 1930s. History. The ZIS-8 city bus was technically based on the ZIS-5 truck, which was then widely used in the Soviet Union. It is clear that mass production began in 1934. it …
苏联ZIL—130系列载重汽车(重制版) - 哔 ... - 哔哩哔哩
130是一种由莫斯科利哈乔夫汽车厂开发的中型卡车,也是苏联产量最大的卡车车型之一(差不多340万台),在军事和民用领域都应用广泛,同时也大量出口。 按照载重量划分,130属于中型卡车,介于GAZ-53系列(载重量比较小)和YaAZ系列等(载重量比较大)之间。 从1986年开始,130改称431410。 最开始130是准备替代ZIS-150的,它的研发工作在1953年就开始了。 总设计师是Anatoly Kirinevich Krieger,主要设计师是Georgie Festa,最终由T.P. Kiseleva决定定 …
2022年10月17日 · 要问红色阵营中应用最广、最具代表性的车型是哪一款,Zil-130绝对排得上号。 这款经典的车型从上个世纪60年代开始生产,我国也曾大量进口过这一车型,用于支援国内建设。
ZiL-158 - Wikiwand
ZIL-158 was the main bus model of city bus fleets of the Soviet Union in the 1960s and early 1970s. More than 62,350 were assembled. The assembly was carried out until the end of 1969. The most recent 158s arrived in Moscow in February 1970 to the 10-bus fleet.
ZiL-118 “Youth” - All PYRENEES · France, Spain, Andorra
2018年12月24日 · ZiL-118 is a luxury bus of the AMO ZiL company. It was produced from 1963 to 1994 on the basis of the ZiL-111 car. In 1971, the ZiL-118 was redesigned and since named ZiL-119 .