Engines of the Red Army in WW2 - o5m6.de
ZiS-5V with an improved halftrack suspension and called it ZiS-42, according to the year of production start. With a stronger 76 hp engine and a frontal brushguard protection, the vehicle …
ZIS-5 (truck) - Wikipedia
Apart from cargo duties, the ZIS-5 was used as a light artillery tractor and for troop transportation (25 soldiers could sit in five benches placed in the rear body). ZIS-5 served also as base for …
NATI-52 / ZIS-42 semi-tracked truck - GlobalSecurity.org
2019年9月6日 · The ZIS-42 truck on a semi-tracked basis was created as an all-terrain tracked tractor. He is the receiver of the ZIS 22. All the previous types contained a lot of flaws.
【翻译】不为人知的苏联半履带炮:ZIS-41&ZIS-43 - 哔哩哔哩
2017年2月17日 · 在ZIS-42上安装37mm防空机炮的设计,能够为行军中且未遭遇敌方反坦克单位的摩托-机械化部队提供防空火力。 得益于其机动性和越野能力,该车的主要任务应为为所有 …
简析苏联坦克歼击车与自行火炮#4:从“送奶车”到ZSU-37 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年3月15日 · 苏联将自己的ZiS-5军用卡车后轮改装成履带,改装后的半履带车被称为 ZiS-22 。1938 年至 1941 年间,苏联总共改装了200多辆ZiS-5,全部用于苏芬战争,仅仅是作为火 …
二战军事网 - 苏联 - 苏军半履带军车
吉斯(zis)-42型半履带军车. 用吉斯汽车改装的半履带车的型号有zis-22m、zis-33和zis-42m,其中zis-22m在二战前就已经生产,至1940年生产了约200辆,而zis-42m则是二战中(1942年) …
二战前,苏联为什么没研制装备装甲输送车? - 知乎
41年开发的zis-41,另一个基于zis-42的装甲搭载车计划(57mm ZIS2),在苏军要求快速反坦克炮和防空平台时也被考虑量产。 然而平台并不稳定,开火精度很低,而且发动机过热很快。
ZIS-42 - Battlegroup42 Encyclopedia
The ZIS-42 was an all-terrain vehicle based on the ZIS-5 utility truck, with the rear wheels replaced by tracks. Initially designated ZIS-22M, it was a further development of the ZIS-22, …
ZiS-42: Soviet half-track truck - France, Spain, Andorra
2019年3月26日 · Made in the Soviet union (USSR) in 1942. Production: 6372 exemplars. Engine: ZiS-5 (6 cylinders) Power: 73 HP. Max. speed: 35 km/h. Weight: 5132 kg.
ZIS-42卡车 - 百度百科