Detroit ZMC-2 - Wikipedia
The ZMC-2 (Zeppelin Metal Clad 200,000 cubic foot capacity) [1] was the only successfully operated metal-skinned airship ever built. [2] Constructed at Naval Air Station Grosse Ile by …
The ZMC-2 was built by the Aircraft Development Corporation, a division of Detroit Aircraft Corporation. It was built at the Naval Air Station Grosse Ile on the Northwestern end of Lake …
NAS Grosse Ile Aircraft - nasgi.net
The ZMC-2 (serial number A8282) was built by the Metalcald Airship Corporation (formerly the Aircraft Development Corporation) in Detroit (Grosse Ile), MI. It was a noteworthy innovation in …
Detroit ZMC-2 - Wikiwand
The ZMC-2 (Zeppelin Metal Clad 200,000 cubic foot capacity) [1] was the only successfully operated metal-skinned airship ever built. [2] Constructed at Naval Air Station Grosse Ile by …
Metal-clad airship - Wikipedia
ZMC-2. Metal-clad airships are airships which have a very thin airtight metal envelope, rather than the usual fabric envelope. This shell may be either internally braced as with the designs of …
The Navy's Tin Bubble | Proceedings - August 1965 Vol. 91/8/750
Throughout the years a number of novel aircraft have been developed. These craft for the most part provide an interesting, if not always significant, footnote to aviation history. One was the …
The ZMC-2 (Zeppelin Metal Clad) was the world's first successful metalclad airship. The ship’s hull is a single structural unit (a monocoque) in which the metal skin is not only the lifting gas …
The metal-clad airship ZMC-2 was the concrete realization of the dreams of the professionals who looked to metal skinning as an answer to the problems which all airship advocates faced. As …
ZMC-2 - Wikipedia
zmc-2は、金属製の船体を有する全金属飛行船である。 アメリカ合衆国 のエアクラフト・ディベロプメント社が開発し、 アメリカ海軍 が運用した。 グロッセ・アイル海軍航空基地で1928 …
ZMC-3、ZMC-2とは? - 三和メッキ工業株式会社
硬質クロムメッキ処理加工、硬質アルマイト処理加工、無電解ニッケルメッキ処理加工など付加価値の高い「めっき」 (メッキ)を提供します。