ZNC-EDM 250 - Die Sinker EDM | KNUTH USA
The die sinking EDM machines of the ZNC EDM series are used in mold and tool making to reproduce injection molds or matrices with high precision and surface quality. The series is characterized by high-quality components designed for continuous operation.
ZNC EDM Die Sinking Spark Erosion Machine, EDM Spark Erosion …
2020年9月21日 · Ideal for molds and spare parts manufacturing industries, ZNC die sinking EDM machine for sale by DMNC is your best choice for die sinking operation! High accuracy X, Y, Z three axes C3 grade Taiwan-made ball screw. Z-axis imported Japanese Sanyo servo motor control. Three axes DROs of 0.005mm resolution.
ZNC 电火花成型机 / 电火花成型机 - ZNC450 - sxwedm.com
三星机械沉降片电火花加工机ZNC450功能强大,操作方便可靠,刚性好,运行平稳,可控性好,适合加工导电金属模具、复杂金属零件和高精度、高韧性、难加工的模板。 电火花加工工艺已成为机械制造领域的重要组成部分。 广泛应用于模具、电子仪器、精密机械加工、汽车零部件、军工等领域。 E. 最大。 工作电流:50A/60A. 2. 可选配磁性工作台. 3. 轨道头可选. 4. 不同工作电流可选. 保修期内,我们可以免费提供非因操作不当而损坏的零部件(消耗品除外)。 保修期外, …
ZNC540 Electric Discharge Machining | DMNC-EDM
ZNC die sinking EDM has X and Y axis manual control and Z axis program control, with handwheel of X and Y axis, it is fast and convenient to locate position for spark discharge machining. Due to affordable cost and good performance, ZNC EDM is widely used in producing various plastic injection molds, such as home applications, electronic ...
ZNC Sinker EDM Machine / Die Sinking EDM Machine - ZNC450
ZNC450 Die Sinking EDM / Sinker EDM Machine is used for cavity forming. It utilizes conductive material (copper, graphite, steel) as electrode to process workpiece (conductive material) by spark erosion. ZNC EDM Sinker has X and Y-axis manual control, and Z-axis automatic control.
群基ZNC电火花机床 CJ345 - LEAD EDM
群基znc电火花机床 cj-345, cad设计与高精密结构,fc-250铸件,材质精密、韧性强、经回火处理及自然风化,经久耐用且不易变形;工作台面经高周波处理及精密研磨,硬度高不易磨损;预设10种常用的加工参数记忆模组,简化加工参数选择及操作程序。
ZNC EDM control system kits
1.提供兩萬組以上的檔案儲存 (主要由內部硬碟的大小決定),即可儲存兩萬個以上不同模具加工條件,具多組加工座標儲存功能。 2.具鏡面加工電路,能真正蝕出鏡面效果,配合搖動加工與混粉加工效果更佳。 3.具有10段自動修細功能,可以 (1)自行編輯:依個人經驗去編輯加工條件; (2)AUTOZ自動編輯:給予最大深度初始電流及完成的粗細與加工面積選擇,就會自動將加工條件編輯完成; (3)FUZZY Z智慧型條件編輯:只要選擇電極形狀,電極與工件材料,電極的截面積及加 …
NEUAR|CNC Die-Sinking EDM|CNC Wire Cut EDM - neuar-edm…
ZNC-SE Series. Superior speed and accuracy performance, combined with Z-axis 14M/min high-speed jumping technology.
ZNC Die Sinking EDM Machine (PZE 400) - Phillips Machine Tools India
Phillips offers the best-in-class ZNC Die Sinking EDM Machine model - PZE 400. Find out more about our sinker EDM machines.
ZNC EDM Sinker Machines - Belmont Equipment & Technologies
Maxicut EDM sinker machines with the ZNC and CNC designation can store up to 50 programs, each of which can have up to 8 lines containing information defining actual EDM cutting conditions, servo settings, power levels, and polarity.