Configuration - ZNC
ZNC 1.6 configuration file consists of the following settings. All values are examples. The limit of anonymous unidentified connections per IP. Allow user authentication by external modules only. The list of allowed bindhosts. Users can select one of these values. BindHost = ... The number of seconds every IRC connection is delayed.
Installation - ZNC
There are several possibilities to install ZNC on your machine. The latest version is always available using the source tarball from https://znc.in/releases. A ChangeLog is available in the wiki. You can also read more about ZNC's portability. Which way should I …
Using commands - ZNC
Commands are given to ZNC by messaging the virtual user *status. Likewise, modules are communicated to by messaging *modname as well. Alternatively you can use /znc command instead of /msg *status command and /znc *module command instead of /msg *module command. Example: /msg *status listmods
ZNC 使用指南:强大的IRC网络中继器 - CSDN博客
ZNC(ZNC Bouncer)是一款开源的IRC(Internet Relay Chat)网络中继器,它允许用户保持连接到多个IRC服务器即使在断开客户端连接的情况下也不例外。 ZNC的设计旨在提供消息缓冲、虚拟在线状态维护以及与其他IRC用户的无缝交互能力。 它支持高度自定义,满足了从个人用户到大型社区的各种需求。 首先,你需要安装ZNC。 这里以Ubuntu系统为例展示基本安装步骤: 对于喜欢从源码编译的用户,可以通过以下步骤来编译安装: 配置文件通常位于 …
Infineon XMC 一些常用的信息汇总 - 英飞凌MCU技术论坛英飞 …
2024年2月6日 · 英飞凌在个人信息保护方面还是让人很放心的 :) 1.注册MyInfineon: 参考链接,注册development center: 参考附件myicp文档,注册myicp。 2. 从Develop Center 下载DAVE,安装目录下面会自带一些code example:,21ic电子技术开发论坛.
Linux服务器安装ZNC(一种IRC bouncer)——离线也不怕错过IRC消 …
Debian仓库是自带 znc 的,可以使用 sudo apt install znc 进行安装。 安装完 znc 以后,运行 znc --makeconf 进行配置文件初始化(TLS可以后面加,没事儿),初始化需要回答问题。
AT32 配置XMC时序注意事项 - CSDN博客
这里介绍xmc的异步通信,异步通信包含mode1/2/a/b/c/d几种模式。 其中modea/b/c/d为扩展模式(tmgwren=1),读/写可以使用不同的时序,读写时序分别使用xmc_bk1tmgx /xmc_bk1tmgwrx寄存器配置;mode1/2为非扩展模式(tmgwren=0),读/写只能使用相同时序,读/写时
GitHub - Infineon/mtb-xmclib-cat3: The XMC Peripheral Library …
The XMC Peripheral Library (XMCLib) consists of low-level drivers for the XMC product family peripherals. The XMCLib integrates device header files, startup code, and peripheral drivers into a single package. The drivers abstract the hardware functions into a set of easy-to-use APIs. © Infineon Technologies, 2020-2024.
2024年12月29日 · Welcome to the API documentation for ZNC. To write your own module, you should start with writing a new class which inherits from CModule . Use MODCONSTRUCTOR for the module's constructor and call MODULEDEFS at the end of your source file.
GitHub - Infineon/XMC-for-Arduino: Integration of Infineon's XMC ...
This project integrates Infineon's 32-bit XMC™ Industrial Arm® Cortex®-M Microcontroller into the Arduino ecosystem. The XMC™ microcontroller family from Infineon is a powerful and versatile platform for embedded system development. The XMC for Arduino core provides a comprehensive set of APIs, examples, and tools for developing a wide ...