questions for ZRX owners | Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
Oct 30, 2007 · LOVE MY BIKE TOO !!!! :mrgreen: oh and green is the only correct choice :wink: oh and the zrxoa is the only place to hang if ya own this bike. lots of good guys and info along with lots of parts to spend your mortgage money on. lol
ZRX 1200 - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
Oct 14, 2004 · Just checked out your link to zrxoa. I used to run a Z1000R1 Eddie Lawson replica back in the early '90's it was my first big kawasaki 4cyl 4 stroke, & was a total sledgehammer & was the best looking bike on the road back then - apart from a Z1100R (or Z1300 maybe) Mickey Roake rode one in the film rumblefish.
Good Aftermarket Parts Sources for ZRX1100 - Kawasaki …
Mar 21, 2014 · For Rear Shocks, Works Performance, Bitubo, Penske, Ohlins are also good choices. EBC HH brake pads to make sure you stop right. You also might as well get braided steel brake lines with a dual set up at the master cylinder, mine is a Galfer dual set up. A fork brace from Murphs or Greg Couch(ZRXOA member) to reduce fork flex.
ZRX1200 mods? - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
May 11, 2004 · cmikimoto's mount over at zrxoa goes for $150 and mounts a stock GSXR damper. You could literally go broke on mods and still want more. Save Share
Brembo RCS 19 Master Cylinder Set Up anyone? - Page 3 - zrxoa.org
Feb 13, 2025 · Login: Remember Me? Forum. Today's Posts; Forum Actions. Mark Forums Read
Zrx1200-r - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
Jan 15, 2008 · There are some folks at the ZRXOA.org board who are at or above 100k miles on theirs. The mods are the other fun (and very expressive) part of owning a ZRX. The stock bike is basically a blank canvas. I've bumped mine up a few notches over the years with suspension, tire, brake, and engine mods.
Finished! Turbo ZRX - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
Jul 6, 2008 · The bike is a 99' Kawasaki ZRX with a 03' Kawasaki ZZR1200 bottom end and a ZRX1200 cylinder head. The crankshaft was lightened five lbs. by A.P.E. and 2mm larger bore Ross 9:1 pistons were installed bringing total displacement to 1224cc's.
Should I get a Zrx or a 600cc sportbike? - Page 2 - zrxoa.org
Alright so I have been riding for about 3 years and I have already had 5 bikes, they have all been great but none of them have really blown me away.
ZRX 1200R Turbo - Kawasaki Motorcycle Forums
Nov 12, 2006 · www.zrxoa.org look for RZ350 turbo kit. 2500$ and 200hp+ will be at your finger tips. lol theres also one ...
ZRX1200R with 30,000 miles. This alot? - KZRider
Feb 19, 2014 · ZRX engine platform is pretty old-school stout. If it was taken care of properly, it isn't even broken in yet. There are guys in the ZRXOA forum that have well over 100,000 miles with just routing maintenance. Ask if it has run on its …