ZSU-37-2 should go to br 8.0 - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder
2023年8月22日 · ZSU-37-2 should go to br 8.0. It is definitely a better SPAA and TD than the M163, has stabilization, good rate of fire, penetration and radar. In addition, it has a much greater range of effective fire than the 20mm cannon of the M163. Definitely, these two SPAAs should not be on the same br, the ZSU-37-2 is simply better, so it should be higher.
ZSU-37-2 Radar bug - Gameplay Problems & Advice - War Thunder
2024年1月23日 · The radar on the ZSU-37-2 twitches up and down when I’m using fixed radar mode. It’s only a visual bug but I find the twitching kind of disruptive on my screen. Steps to recreate: Test drive the ZSU-37-2 Make sure you have a keybind for Ground vehicles > Change Radar/IRST search mode Set the search mode to fixed so that the radar stays put looking straight Look up and down and you will see ...
Tech Tree ZSU-37 moved to rank 2...errr - War Thunder
2024年4月24日 · This moving of the ZSU-37 from rank three to rank two messes up every line up from br 4.7 to 7.0 for me. I like using this vehicle against CAS , especially Bombers. Moving it to rank two means it cant be used in Battle p…
Update - War Thunder - Official Forum
2023年11月15日 · ZSU-37-2 — Friend or Foe (IFF) has been added to the 1RL34 radar. Type 87 — optical target tracking mode has been added. Strela-10M2 — a bug with the failure of the radio rangefinder to measure range at low radial speed of the target has been fixed.
SPAA unbalance problem - General Discussion - War Thunder
2023年10月12日 · ZSU-37-2 is pretty garbage, imo; the search radar is slow and the tracking isn’t the best versus jets. WZ305 (8.0) overperforms it with the HE-VT shells. However, could be 8.0 along with the equally garbage Shilka.
Why are the 2S38 and the Otomatic not the same BR?
2024年11月3日 · ZSU-37-2 is terrible, I mean you have to drive backwards to get a good acceleration, no depression and the Radar lock is unclear, making the IRST swings when locked to a target. Falcon has, despite a lower caliber, access to better ammunition, and even stock, can be usable against both tanks and aircraft.
Are ZSU-23-4 and ZSU-37-2 supposed to be PESA? - War Thunder
2024年10月19日 · I stumbled upon it some time ago, but i failed to find anything, so im asking you guys. Are 1RL33 and 1RL34 supposed to be PESA? Considering the radars shapes, and years they were created, i would expect them to be normal MSA radars. Would be glad if anyone could provide me some information.
ZSU-37-2 battlerating in AB - Arcade Battle - War Thunder
2024年6月4日 · Why is it in 8.0 in AB but its in 7.7 in RB??? if anything a radar SPAA gets put higher in RB than in AB it just feels so random, who thought of it? becuse AB has the air tracker the radar wont make that big of a diffrence, and it just feels weird also it leaves ussr with no competent SPAA for entire battle rating (and they have a lot of viehicles between 7.0-7.7)
Why do so many people hate SPAAG - War Thunder
2024年6月15日 · The ones that carry HVAP are. The ZSU-57-2 and Falcon are the most extreme examples. The full HVAP of the Praga and Zerstörer 45 give them very good capability against ground units. Especially in BRs where the vehicles they are attacking are slow to react and can struggle to fight back if they are attacked from the side.
Veak 40 ammo change - Ground Vehicle - War Thunder - Official …
2024年4月19日 · with how bad early SPAA radars track planes currently in the game, the VEAK will not be useful against aircraft with its regular HE shells, since unlike things like the Shilka, M163, ZSU-37-2 or even things like the Kugel, it simply lacks the fire density to be useful against players actually moving around isntead of flying in straight lines.