ZT 320 Series Disintegration Tester - ERWEKA
ZT 320 series is available with up to 4 racks for baskets with either 3 or 6 test stations. 55 ± 2 mm stroke height. Accuracy ± 0.2°C, temperature range 30-50°C. Automated lift-in and lift-out of …
ZT 320 - Disintegration Testers - Physical Testers - erweka.com
在 zt 320 系列崩解测试仪上,测试站(1 至 4 个)都是单独驱动的。 为了保证卓越的质量和最高的易用性,每个测试站都由自己的键盘控制。 在对所需的测试运行时间进行设定后,装有样 …
温度测试仪 - ZT 320 - ERWEKA GmbH - 分解 / 用于制药业 / 台式
MedicalExpo(医疗网上展览会)为您提供温度测试仪产品详细信息。规格型号:ZT 320,公司品牌:ERWEKA GmbH。直接联系品牌厂商,查询价格和经销网络。寻找更多国外精选温度测 …
Disintegration Testers - Physical Testers - ERWEKA
ERWEKAs 100% USP conform disintegration tester are available as manual or fully automated disintegration tester, both with basket Type A and Type B. The ZT 730 flagship disintegration …
Fortschritt ZT 320 – Wikipedia
Die Zug- Traktoren der Baureihe Fortschritt ZT 320 und 323 sind Universal-Traktoren der 20 kN-Zugkraftklasse, die ab 1984 in der DDR als Nachfolger der ZT-300er-Reihe hergestellt …
Fortschritt ZT 320 - Wikipedia
Fortschritt ZT 320 is a series of agricultural tractors made by the East German manufacturer VEB Traktorenwerk Schönebeck. It was produced from 1983 to 1990, and succeeded the ZT 300 …
ZT 320 - Smart Resources For Equipment - smarteq-sa.com
Quick-Clean basket (100 % USP/EP/JP compliant) for fast cleaning of the test stations. No tools required for assembly and disassembly. On the ZT 320 disintegration testers series, the test …
Disintegration Testers - Disintegration Testers - ERWEKA
The ZT 320 disintegration testers come with one to four individually operated test stations, each connected to an individual keypad for easy setting of the required run-time parameters as well …
Тестер для измерения температуры - ZT 320 - ERWEKA GmbH
Тестеры распадаемости серии ZT 320 могут оснащаться сборными корзинами с системой “быстрой очистки” (100% соответствие USP/EP/JP) и корзинами типа “B” с тремя …
Zt 320 kleinanzeigen.de
Zündschloß zt 320 Serie,zt323,zt325,Multicar,ifa,Fortschritt. Werkstattfund -Zündschloß zt 320 Serie. 70 € Agrarfahrzeuge 3 01877 Demitz- Thumitz ...