ZTD-05兩棲突擊車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZTD-05兩棲突擊車配有大型砲塔,105毫米火炮版本火力等於一種兩棲坦克,車內弹药基数为38发,彈藥包括 翼穩脫殼穿甲彈 (APFSDS)、高爆穿甲彈(HEAT)與高爆榴彈(HE)和砲射導彈等,专门给ZTD-05两栖装甲突击车研制混凝土攻坚弹,用来对付滩头的坚固火力点 ...
Type 05 amphibious fighting vehicle - Wikipedia
The Type 05 amphibious armored vehicle (Chinese: 05式两栖装甲车) is a family of amphibious tracked armored fighting vehicles developed by Norinco for the People's Liberation Army Navy Marine Corps, consisting of two main combat variants — the ZBD-05 infantry fighting vehicle and the ZTD-05 assault vehicle, as well as several support variants based on …
ZTD-05两栖突击车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZTD-05两栖突击车配有大型炮塔,105毫米火炮版本火力等于一种两栖坦克,车内弹药基数为38发,弹药包括 翼稳脱壳穿甲弹 (APFSDS)、高爆穿甲弹(HEAT)与高爆榴弹(HE)和炮射导弹等,专门给ZTD-05两栖装甲突击车研制混凝土攻坚弹,用来对付滩头的坚固火力点 ...
ZTD-05 ZLT-05 VN-16 - Army Recognition
2024年10月19日 · The ZTD-05, also named ZLT-05 VN-16 in the export version, is an amphibious light tank designed and manufactured in China by NORINCO, especially for naval infantry units. The ZTD-05 is armed with a 105 mm gun. The ZTD-05 belongs to the series of amphibious vehicles developed by China. It is the fastest and most advanced medium-sized AAV.
ZTD-05 (VN-16) Chinese Amphibious Light Tank
The ZTD-05 is equipped with a computerized fire-control system that includes a fire-control computer, light spot commander sight with laser rangefinder, and light spot gunner sight with passive night vision.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
The family includes ZBD-05 amphibious infantry fighting vehicle and ZTD-05 amphibious tank (assault gun) as well as several other variants including command vehicle and recovery vehicle. The vehicle could be launched at sea, from an amphibious assault ship over the horizon.
ZTD-05式两栖突击车 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月25日 · ZTD-05式两栖突击车,又被称为05式两栖突击车,装备中国人民解放军海军陆战队和陆军两栖机械化部队,是中华人民共和国研制的“05式两栖装甲车族”一员。
ZTD-05式两栖突击车我军先进的两栖作战装备 - 知乎
ZTD-05式两栖突击车是我国先进的两栖作战装备,以下是相关介绍: 发展背景 上世纪80年代,中国的63A水陆坦克已明显落伍,水上速度不超过15千米/小时,抗风浪性差,无法满足登陆作战战术要求。
搶灘利器「兩棲超跑」ZTD-05兩棲裝甲突擊車 - 頭條匯
ZTD-05兩棲裝甲突擊車是我軍最先進的第二代兩棲裝甲裝備,能在風浪中高速航行,準確定位攻擊摧毀目標,綜合作戰性能完全能夠同世界軍事強國最先進的兩棲突擊車媲美。 ZTD-05兩棲裝甲突擊車配備99式主戰坦克的1500馬力發動機,陸地上最大行駛速度約為65公里,在水上航渡速度能達到45公里/小時 ...
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