In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera - FM Forums
2022年1月15日 · Brilliant Yup, the Zx1 is a skunk works project. Boy, I hope someone at Zeiss reads that comment Skunk work projects by definition do not see commercialization. The whole point of skunk works projects is to let your R & D team work free of the commercial business. It is simply laughable that someone thinks the ZX1 was produced for R & D results.
In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera - FM Forums
2020年10月30日 · p.30 #2 · p.30 #2 · In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera So, for those wanting sample images, how good must these samples be for you to purchase the ZL1? Having answered this for myself, I'll get back to playing ball with my dog.
Sony Forum - Photography - FM Forums
2022年1月10日 · As for the op's original point, I think the camera + lens seems to compare well technically based on the reviews out there vs. the Leica Q2 and Sony RX1R II. The DPReview studio shots show the ZX1 lens and camera combo being sharper than the other options out there across the frame. It's noticeable especially in the raw comparisons.
In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera - FM Forums
2018年9月28日 · p.9 #3 · p.9 #3 · In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera i like the clear design of the cam a lot. an the button everywhere design of the most digital cameras not so much.
Buy & Sell - Photography - FM Forums
2024年4月21日 · Very cool. First ZX1 listed ever I'm going to bumb this up and comment at the same time that I find it surprising to hear that this is the first ZX1 offered in FM. I haven't really paid attention to Buy&Sell forum before, but now that I decided that the ZX1 must go, I thought this might be the most appropriate place to sell it.
In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera - FM Forums
2024年9月5日 · p.58 #1 · p.58 #1 · In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera Yes, a modern M mount camera, small lenses, evf, 42 megapixel, ~3000€, with ibis, it would have been a dream, a real workhorse with zm and vm lenses
Sony Forum - Photography - FM Forums
2020年4月14日 · Explore Sony Forum photography discussions. Share your photos, discuss gear and techniques, and buy or sell equipment in our marketplace.
Buy & Sell - Photography - FM Forums
2024年4月30日 · 3rd Zeiss ZX1 for sale on FM! Lol.. I was supposed to be the first, but was taking awhile editing the YouTube video of me using it in Yokohama, Japan on a portrait shoot Edit June 23, 2024: I am open to trades, would prefer a camera that is video centric, such as the Sony a7S III. This is one of my favorite cameras next to the Leica M9-P.
In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera - FM Forums
2024年5月12日 · p.57 #1 · p.57 #1 · In-Stock: 37MP Zeiss ZX1 full frame camera They need to bury every copy of this camera in an pit like they did with those E.T. cartridges in the 80s. Nov 21, 2022 at 06:30 PM
Are you getting the Zeiss ZX1? - FM Forums - fredmiranda.com
2023年2月24日 · p.46 #5 · p.46 #5 · Are you getting the Zeiss ZX1? The many failures of this Zeiss camera make me admire the revolutionary camera technology that Sony has been able to design, produce, and successfully bring to market over a very short period of time.