Zao Jiao - 皂角 - Fructus Gleditsiae - American Dragon
They are used together to treat excessive Phlegm welling upward with a clenched jaw and aphasia in Wind-Stroke, seizures, and withdrawal mania. is better for opening the jaw and …
皂角刺,皂角刺的功效与作用_中药皂角刺_皂角刺是什么_皂角刺的 …
用于痈疽初起或脓化不溃;外治疥癣 麻风。 【药名】皂角刺. 【别名】皂荚刺、皂刺、天丁、皂角针、皂针。 【汉语拼音】zao jiao ci. 【英文名】Chinese Honeylocust Spine, Spine of …
皂角刺_中药材_药源网 - yaopinnet.com
皂角刺 【药材名称】皂角刺 【拼音名称】Zao Jiao Ci 【别名】皂荚刺、皂刺、天丁、皂角针、皂针。 【科属】为豆科植物皂荚的棘刺。 【产地】主要产于我国江苏、湖北等地。 【性味】【 …
From Traditional Usage to Pharmacological Evidence: A Systematic …
Spina Gleditsiae, also known as Zao Jiao Ci (in Chinese), is the dry thorn of Gleditsia sinensis Lam (G. sinensis). G. sinensis is a perennial shrub native to China and widely grows in the …
Zao Jiao - Chinese Honeylocust Fruit, Gleditsia TCM Materia Medica
The TCM herb " zao jiao " which in english is " chinese honeylocust fruit, gleditsia ", is categorized within the "herbs that transform phlegm cold" functional grouping. It is thought to enter the …
Zao Jiao (Honey Locust Fruit) - Plum Dragon Herbs
Zao Jiao is great for dissolving stubborn phlegm that impairs Lung Qi from its normal decent. Where there are abscesses present, especially those where discharging pus is difficult, Zao …
Zao Jiao Ci - 皂角刺 - Spina Gleditsiae - American Dragon
This herb is similar to Fr. Gleditsiae Zao Jiao but is sharper and more directly penetrates to the site of the illness. It has the ability to ascend and treat disorders of the upper Jiao such as …
Zao Jiao - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · Zao Jia (Fructus Gleditsiae Abnormalis) Pungent, salty, warm, slightly toxic; lung and large intestine meridians entered. Dispel phlegm, open orifice and blockage, dispel wind …
Zao Jiao Ci 皂角刺 - herbguide
Draws out toxicity, discharges pus, invigorates the Blood and reduces swelling : Early-stages of swollen sores to encourage suppuration or to induce those already formed to burst Expels …
Zao Jiao 皂角 - herbguide
Reduces phlegm and improves cough: used to treat phlegm obstruction in the Lungs causing cough, chest congestion, dyspnea, and sticky sputum that is difficult to expectorate. Clears …