Rump Polish Zaolzie - Paradox Interactive Forums
2020年4月27日 · If Zaolzie is indeed a low value state in AI's view (as it rightfully should be), then the first piece of code bars the German AI from taking it, as it has a puppet (Slovakia) neighboring it and Germany will leave it for Slovakia, but Slovakia can't actually take it, because the second piece of code bars puppets from taking any non-claimed non-core territory.
Claim Overlordship Over Slovakia is impossible due to Zaolzie still ...
2023年10月16日 · Hi! Sadly I was playing it in ironman, so I don't have a save game from that time. Claim Overlordship Over Slovakia can happen if either Eastern and Western Slovakia + Zaolzie still owned by Czechoslovakia - after Germany finish the focus of Demand Sudetenland Zaolzie wil become Polish, wich is historical, but as Zaolzie is a requirement for the Claim …
HoI 4 - Polish claim on Zaolzie | Paradox Interactive Forums
2018年3月24日 · Zaolzie was an ethnically Polish land, and even belonged to interwar Poland for a while, but was taken by the Czechs in 1920. As such, I think that it would be reasonable to give Poland a claim on Zaolzie, as many European countries in HOI4 do have their claims on such contested land, for example:
First Vienna Award Focus/Events redo. Annexation of Zaolzie redo ...
2021年5月26日 · Right now Poland and Hungary have no choice but to accept freebies due to German focus. (Historically, they gleefuly took it, Romania never took part. Allies didnt want this salvage operation and it really borked Polish international image as an...
Democratic Czechoslovakia Czech Entente tips and help
2019年5月22日 · 7- When Germany declares on you you should be able to hold on (be watchful on Zaolzie and the corner between Hungary, Germany and Czechoslovakia). 8- Do not ever call in your puppets 9- When Poland is attacked they will join your faction, you need to defend your northern border, ignore Poland.
Fate of Czechoslovakia / Overlordship over Slovakia
2023年8月7日 · >With the Overlordship Over Slovakia focus get Slovakia (West Slovakia, East Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia, Zaolzie states), after that Czechoslovakia is renqmed to Czech Republic >Now you can change to Germany to see they still have the same options after they make the Fate of Czechoslovakia focus, like Slovakia would still owned by the czechs.
Everything wrong with the dissolution of Czechoslovakia
2017年12月4日 · Munich Agreement - Poland takes over Zaolzie Following the Munich Agreement, Polish army crossed the Czechoslovak border and occupied regions of Zaolzie, Spišská Javorina, Lesnica and Suchá Hora. In game, region of Zaolzie looks completely wrong, it looks like Poland takes over entire Slovakian region of Čadca which leaves literally a hole ...
Germany - Danzig for Slovakia - Paradox Interactive Forums
2024年11月16日 · Poland does not own STATE_72: "Trans-Olza" (Těšínsko, Olsa-Gebiet, Zaolzie), The issue occurs even before Slovakia is released. The civil war is new with the Focus "Integrate Czechoslovakia" in Götterdämmerung, and Poland does not get Trans-Olsa. So, the only solution for me is doing the cheat. setowner POL 72
Zaolzie - Paradox Interactive Forums
2016年9月21日 · First, well done to PDX for having included the Polish annexation of this region. However there is a slight bug. It is possible for the German annexation of Czechoslovakia to fire AFTER Poland has capitulated. This happened in my current game...
HOI4 wiki - Strategic Region Table | Paradox Interactive Forums
2019年12月9日 · The HOI4 wiki now includes a Strategic Region table. This sortable table includes all 207 regions associated by province id, in-game name, file name, and province count. This should prove useful to modders. Check it out here...