Zaozhuang - Wikipedia
Zaozhuang (simplified Chinese: 枣庄; traditional Chinese: 棗莊; pinyin: Zǎozhuāng) is a prefecture-level city in the south of Shandong province, People's Republic of China.
枣庄市(Zaozhuang City),别称“煤城”,山东省辖地级市,三线城市。 位于山东省南部,东与临沂市平邑县、费县、兰陵县接壤,南与江苏省徐州市的铜山区、贾汪区、邳州市为邻,西濒微山湖,北与济宁市的邹城市毗连,总面积4564平方千米,占山东省总面积的 ...
Zaozhuang Travel Guide, China: Weather, Attractions, History, Tips
2024年7月22日 · Located in the south of Shandong, Zaozhuang is neighbor to Linyi, Jining and Tongshan, Pizhou counties of Jiangsu Province. The quaint Zaozhuang magically presents a scene of a water town in the south China. The middle section of the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal has flowed through Tai’ erzhuang and a village was formed.
Zaozhuang | Industrial City, Shandong Province | Britannica
Zaozhuang, city, southern Shandong sheng (province), eastern China. The city includes an extensive area on the western flank of the southwestern spur of the Shandong Hills, to the east of the Grand Canal, that contains one of the most important coal-mining districts of eastern China.
Zaozhuang – Travel guide at Wikivoyage
Zaozhuang (枣庄 Zǎozhuāng) is a city in southern Shandong Province. Zaozhuang is famous for its history of "railway guerrillas" and "Taierzhuang Battle".So there are two tourist attractions set up: "Railway Guerrilla Memorial Park" and "Taierzhuang War Memorial Hall", where you can learn about the relevant history of Zaozhuang.
枣庄 - 搜狗百科
2025年2月15日 · 枣庄,别名 煤城,地处中国华东地区,是山东省地级市,位于山东省南部,东与临沂市平邑县、费县、兰陵县接壤,南与江苏省徐州市的铜山县、贾汪区、 邳州市 为邻,西濒微山湖,北与济宁市的邹城市毗连 [1]。 截至2020年末全市下辖5个区、代管1个县级市。 枣庄市地势北高南低,东高西低,呈东北向西南倾伏状。 属于 暖温带季风型大陆性气候 区,枣庄市土壤分为棕壤、褐土、潮土、砂礓黑土和水稻土5个土类,80个土种。 土壤总面积521.39万亩,占全市 …
枣庄市人民政府- 政务公开 - zaozhuang.gov.cn
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Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province - ChinaWiki.net
2021年3月6日 · Zaozhuang is the first "Cross Strait Exchange base" and "national fitness Yangko city" in China. It is famous for the war between railway guerrillas and Taierzhuang.
6 天之前 · 大众网枣庄站,枣庄地区唯一具有新闻采访权的网站,枣庄第一网上媒体,枣庄人的网上家园。
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