Type 63 (tank) - Wikipedia
The Norinco Type 63 (Chinese: 63式; pinyin: Liùsān shì) is a Chinese amphibious light tank. First fielded in 1963, it is in many ways similar to the earlier Soviet PT-76 . However, contrary to the popular belief, it does have some essential differences from the PT-76 in the vehicle's waterjet propulsion system, etc.
63式水陆坦克 - 百度百科
63式水陆坦克(英文:Type 63 Amphibious Tank,中国工厂代号:WZ211),是中国20世纪60年代研制的第一代水陆坦克,由中国北方工业公司研发。1958年10月开始设计,于1960年开始小批量生产并交部队试用。
Type 63A or ZTS63A Amphibious Tank (1996)
Compared to the original Type 63, the 63A also has enhanced sea travelling performance and increased swimming speed. Its centerpiece is a new 105mm rifled main gun and brand new vertical angular-shaped turret as well as a brand new Fire control system stabilized on three axles and allowing firing on the move on land or water.
ZBD-2000 IFV (2005) - tank-afv.com
The ZBD-2000 built by Norinco to replace the obsolete Type 63 amphibious tank and as the same time to the counterpart of the modernized Type 63A. It was developed especially for extended naval capabilities for the PLA Marines, large-scale seaborne assaults.
Type 63A light tank - Wikipedia
The Type 63A (Chinese: 63A式; pinyin: Liùsān A shì; also known as the ZTS63A) is an amphibious light tank upgraded from the Type 63, designed for river-crossing operations at inland rivers and lakes. Its industrial designation is WZ213. The Type 63A is being replaced by the ZTD-05 amphibious assault tank.
2024年10月16日 · 以实例ZTS-63A水陆坦克为例,其命名中的ZTS代表装甲车辆-坦克-水陆。 这表明ZTS-63A是一款具备水陆两用性能的坦克。 此外,还有ZBD-86,代表装甲车辆-步战-履带;ZSD-63,代表装甲车辆-输送-履带;ZSL-92,代表装甲车辆-输送-轮式,这证明了92型号为装甲输送车,而非步兵战车。 另一系列PLZ-70火炮-榴弹-自行也遵循同样的命名规则,清晰地指出了该火炮的类型和功能。 中国坦克命名的ZTZ代表什么意思? 是什么的缩写? 中国坦克命名 …
Type 63 (armoured personnel carrier) - Wikipedia
The Type 63 (industrial designation YW531) is a Chinese armoured personnel carrier that entered service in the late 1960s. It was the first armoured vehicle designed in China without Soviet assistance. [1] . The design is simple and is comparable to other APCs of …
军事科普:ZBD-03式空降战车 - 哔哩哔哩
ZBD-03式空降战车(英文:ZBD-03 airborne armored infantry fighting vehicle IFV ,又称:ZBD-2000/ZLC-2000伞兵战车),是中国自主研发的一款水陆两栖轻型履带式步兵战车,具有体积小、重量轻、速度快等特点,也是中国难得可以实施空投的步战车,它的列装使中国空降兵敌后 ...
ZBD-86步兵战车 - 百度百科
ZBD-86步兵战车(研制代号:WZ501,英文:Type 86 Infantry fighting vehicle,简称:86式步兵战车),是20世纪80年代中国北方工业集团公司研制的第一代步兵战车。该车是以苏联BMP-1步兵战车为蓝本研制生产。
临危受命的共和国“猛将”——中国ZBD-86步兵战车 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年10月27日 · ZBD-86步兵战车. 在火力上,ZBD-86搭载了一门73mm的低膛压滑膛炮,可发射尾翼稳定火箭增程破甲弹(对装甲)和尾翼稳定钢珠榴弹(对步兵)。 (注:主炮俯角为-3°~+30°)